Friday, April 5, 2024

The Latest From Sumdood

If past history is any guide, this goes viral by end of day, as if it actually happened.

(Note: I buy electrons by the mole. So you will see this meme template again. And again. And again. Maybe all month. Maybe all year. Because it's not funny until it's not funny.)


  1. It didn't go viral, Imagur made it go away.

    When you're taking flak, you know you're over the target.

  2. Nope. That was probably me.
    Just tweaking the image myself.
    Still up.

    Imgur hasn't jerked anything I've created around ever, AFAIK.

    My images are private from their side of things, until I link them here to be seen, but they can only be backtracked to a specific account by Imgur, not random idiots, so they seem content to apply laissez faire.

  3. honestly at the rate disney is losing money, zelensky may be able to afford it soon.

  4. Zelensky should buy the White House. Just produce a Hawaiian birth certificate and replace Brandon on the Democratic ticket.

  5. Skyler, just an f.y.i. - the Uke coca clown already bought the White Hut years ago, when he allowed biolabs, a currency laundromat, and other "favors" for many of TPTB hereabouts.
