Friday, March 15, 2024

If They'd Only Known Dept.

h/t cw 

I almost hated to fool around with these classic posters. Almost. But I couldn't help but touch them up a bit, with some 20/20 hindsight.


  1. I cry foul Dear Sir. Hopefully I don't have to acquaint you with who put the 'boom' in the term 'Baby Boomer'. To be honest it was the spawn that F'd it up. (and no generation bashing please because I am a boomer.) Soooo.... I present you with --

    "A woman has to be a fool who would work for one man who would give his life for her and trade it for a man who at best would give two weeks notice."

  2. Those are WWII posters, Tucanae.

    So kindly work out who their grandchildren are.

    No Boomers were harmed in the making of this meme. ;)

  3. I'm sure this is what Churchill had in mind.

  4. Greetings from Oz. Couldn’t be more spot on with the lady worker with our flag in the background
