Friday, March 15, 2024

Bitchy McCuntface, This Is Your 2024 Wake Up Call:

h/t Mike and divemedic

If the Leftards ever see actual violence, it will be as a slapping sensation in the forehead, followed by eternal darkness and silence, as their corpses crumple to the ground.


  1. For sure, not on point here, but I have a great idea!!! Given the Army's failure to meet its recruiting goals (again), let's freeze Army strength at the current level and add another Marine Corps division. That way, in the defense of the country, there will be a higher level of esprit de corps, fewer men wearing dresses, and a better combat record--and the recruiting pressure will be removed from the Army. It will be a "win-win" all around.

    1. That is an excellent outside the box idea.

    2. Better idea: let's permanently removed everyone above the rank of O-5, all service secretaries and under secretaries, all democrats, all I need to continue???

  2. Leftists are very familiar with violence. We have seen them use it frequently when rioting, looting and burning. What they have not seen and need to see is effective violence directed at them. Violence is the only language leftists will listen to or respect. Refuse to speak to them in that language and they will simply ignore you and do whatever they wish.

    1. correct. violence directed at the leftists would stop their b.s. in record time. and the cost is very minimal at today's inflated rate of $1./dose

  3. When those whiny bitches find their epiphanies, at least they won’t be annoyed for long.

  4. So would you have had Lee, Grant, Jackson, Sherman, MacArthur, Eisenhower, Nimitz, Patton, and Puller doing their jobs frozen at the Lt. Col./Commander level, or simply retired and discharged at that rank?
