Thursday, December 1, 2022

Best It's Been All Year


  1. Man, y'all getting a break on Diesel fuel. As of this morning in south Texas, $2.53 for Regular, $2.86 for mid grade, $3.26 for Super and $4.25 for Diesel. A dollar higher than Supreme.

    I just loves me Biden regime gas prices - FJB !!

  2. We have $2.83/gal round these parts at some places. Of course, that's subject to change in a NY minute; often in $ .20/gal chunks upward.

  3. A reparations committee in California has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for 'housing discrimination'.

    The nine-member Reparations Task Force was formed by California Governor Gavin Newsom as part of the country's largest ever effort to address reparations for slavery.

    Got to pay for that "reparations" somehow.

    Commiefornia as you Aesop have often posted.

  4. Califrutopia.
    Gabbin' Nuisance is a five-star dipshit with less brains than God gave any braying jackass.
    The state's about broke now, and reparations will happen from a non-slave state about the time I grow my third set of legs.

    Any former slave in United States territory prior to 1865 who wants reparations should, in haste, present their certificate explaining from whose plantation they were freed, and upon such presentation, be given 40 acres and a mule. If anybody can be found who is 157 years old or older, they deserve full consideration of their claims.

    Any of their descendants should be given a free one-way ticket to the African shithole of their choice, and their passport and further US citizenship revoked upon boarding for that trip. It would measurably increase the IQ of both continents, and the crime rate here would plummet.

  5. I paid $2.66 this morning at the Walmart in Malvern Arkansas

  6. Cali is broke Aesop? Say it's NOT SO.... LOL

    So is almost every Democrap controlled state in the Union. NH has a Rainy-Day Fund for those aweshits like a series of Nor'easters needing extra funding for OT road crew and salt.

    Our Socialist-Democraps keep trying to spend those "Excess Funds" on their pet projects. They often find themselves in recall elections and LOSE their Jobs over it.

    I pay in NH 3.20 for regular, pkerot says in Arkansas he pays 2.66 and I know that the base price for a gallon of regular to almost every gas station is the SAME.

    So, what is wonderfully fruity Cali spending all that Gas Tax on?

  7. Near as I can tell, they spend it on subsidizing the 10M illegal aliens here those of you in the other 49 couldn't be bothered to do anything about for 40 years. Now they're all the way to Maine. Howzat working out for y'all? :)

  8. LOL Maine? The state in the Union that has the worst weather and almost the worse welfare system?

    Very reliable information you have Aesop.

  9. Here in the Capital District of NYS I just paid $3.249 for regular, which is at the cheap gas station with 10% ethanol. Every place else in the area is $3.75-$3.85, depending on county taxes. But it will get interesting on 1/1/2023 to see what prices jump up to as the state gas tax has been on hold since Memorial Day and expires on 12/31/2022.

  10. illegal aliens here those of you in the other 49 couldn't be bothered to do anything about for 40 years. Now they're all the way to Maine. Howzat working out for y'all?

    Well, we tried to have a season on them here in Louisiana, but WLF put the limit at 1 per season, so no one will buy a permit....

  11. Born and raised in NM. Have lived in WI, but last 10 years split between TX and back to NM. We've got lots of immivaders here, too.

  12. Wow Aesop. That is a lot lower than I have heard/seen it from my California acquaintances in a while.

  13. @Michael:

    Clearly, I'm better-informed than you are.
    It's been in the local papers there. Life moves pretty fast; try and keep up.

  14. If comparing US/UK fuel prices, don't forget the US gallon is only 4/5ths of a UK one.

  15. Just under $4/gallon real premium,no corn juice, diesel $4.80
    North IDAHO, down 60 cents this week….
