Wednesday, December 7, 2022

And Now A Word From The Sponsors

 h/t WRSA

Elections have consequences. Especially fake ones.


  1. Think he just remembered Kamala was his veep?

  2. include yet another stolen election. Yet people who should be smarter are talking about "2024" like it's a thing.
    Boat Guy

  3. The whole thing is like a lover's betrayal. Once you get over the shock of "I love you" turning into "F**k you", you eventually begin to wonder how many of the previous "I love you"s were totally fake too, and the dawning realization that perhaps they all were. Then things get ugly.

    I'm waiting to see how long people take to catch up to current events, and everybody goes for the jugular.

  4. I don’t know. Most days I think the whole dang world has Stockholm syndrome. GruntPa

  5. Yep. Part of me wants to think the past GOP candidates were purposely picked NOT to win this past election cycle, just so the Biden administration can continue an uninterupted destruction of America's economy. So that in 2024, they can compare / contrast what was achieved with GOP control (purposely avoiding Trump as primary nominee). In the meantime, allow Trump to continue attacking Biden without GOP help, giving them more ammunition to cut him out in the end. The GOP means to eliminate Trump - they cannot afford another 4 years of Trump in office.

  6. Ain't gonna happen.

  7. A goodly number have been caught up for some time and yet we still have readers/commenters "...talking about 2024 like it's a thing." . Makes me wonder if they understand going for the jugular. I like to think we're smart enough not to be suckered into a set up and still realize what has happened.
    Well Gropey Joe and company make George III and company look like Mensa so they'll be marching on Lexington and Concord one of these days...
    Boat Guy
