Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Meme Perfection

 h/t WRSA

This should be for sale as a 24"x36" poster (I'll take 100 of them), and be found plastered on every flat surface from Maine to Maui. Starting with outside every federal building and facility in the country, including post offices.

If Sabo wasn't in hiding somewhere, he should be working on the billboard version of this 24/7.


  1. The order of operations must go:

    1. Fix this country

    2. Fix the world

    As in we don't even talk about joining any fool WWIII until we get things settled at home.

    CW before WW.

    1. I'm a citizen of somewhere where else in the world, and given the current state of the shit I see in the US (gay, trans, racist, immigrant, Islamic woke garbage), the last thing we want is any of those fixes being brought over here. We have it bad enough as it is. And I say that as the father of 3 US citizens.

  2. Fixing our country will go a very long way toward fixing the world.

  3. I prefer the " If they can just print money, why do I have to pay taxes?" meme.
