Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ass Backwards

 from Chief Nose Wetter

As if, at this point, anyone in the country is surprised that the banana republic poser in the White House can't even put his pants on frontside to the front without copious assistance.

The expression on the guy behind Emperor Stumblefuck Poopypants looking at the zipper on his backside is priceless.

But at least it's faster to take care of business when he's about to sh*t himself again. Which, we're guessing, is just about hourly, both metaphorically or literally.


  1. I don't see Emperor Poopypants the First as being able to solve that rubix cube of fastening his belt backward. Both because of the way he holds his arms and the lack of mental facilities.

    So who fastened the president pants on backward and sent him out to face the world.

    (Start the go-fund-me. /s)

  2. I recall my mother's "slacks" having a zipper on either the left hip or in back. Dunno the reason behind that, but in this case, I can see a woman making such an error while dressing brandon (lc becuz...)

  3. ...and someone THAT incompetent could certainly rezip and button-up their pants BEHIND THEIR BACK.

  4. What is this, a new spin on 'Front Toward Enemy' from the titular "leader of the free world"?

    Xi/Putin/Jong-Un: "No, no, stop it, joe! I'm gonna die laughing!"


  5. @Anon 9:01A,

    Not. So obviously, the cabal running the show helped out, rather than fix the problem.
    Ponder that reality, and the thinking behind it.

  6. Aesop said: "So obviously, the cabal running the show helped out, rather than fix the problem.
    Ponder that reality, and the thinking behind it."

    So......25th Amendment, maybe next summer...?

  7. Hate to rain on the parade, but youtube video from that day's press conference in Puerto Rico shows his pants on correctly.

    Looks like the 'middle loop' was actually his belt buckle. Also if the pants really were on backwards you'd see his back pocket(s).

    Plenty of other things to laugh at the clown in chief for..

  8. Termite, they won't go the 25th route. That would put knee-pads kackles in charge.

  9. It doesn’t take more than a few minutes of watching the original video to see him turn and hip pockets are on his backside, you can see a fly, and the “belt loop” in the middle is his belt buckle. I want the dude gone as much as anyone, but this was a swing and miss.

  10. I don't know how far gone you would have to be to put your pants on backwards, but it's pretty far. Biden is burnt. He's an embarrassing cretin.

  11. I'd like to see the video, which would have to include that moment, plus before and after, unbroken and unedited.

    Otherwise, the photo caught this, and then they fell back and regrouped.

    Minus conclusive video proof, you're free to decide which is likelier.

  12. I am a nurse. If the picture is accurate we do that with dementia patients to keep them from stripping in public.

  13. Sorry, not convinced.

    The tip off for me is in the right pane image. Look at the left pant leg. It appears he has something in it (a backup depends maybe?). The point is if he truly had his pants on backwards that bulge would not be visible. It would be hidden by his left ass cheek in the pic. But it does not really matter, he puts his polices on ass-backwards every morning and that is bad enough.

  14. I think it would be easer to change his diaper if his pants zipped up the back He could be distracted by the Easter Bunny while the deed is done.

  15. I showed the video of this to my sister.
    Her take is that just before the appearance he must have peed his pants, and they had to do a quick rearrangement of his trousers because they didn't have a back up pair on site.
    Which makes sense if you think about it, as it would be almost impossible for the first slut not to have noticed the backwards pants, or the rest of the entourage either. And it would be pretty difficult to put your pants on backwards and zipper up your pants on a good day, and Brandon hasn't had a good day in years.

  16. Looks convinving though! Could be his zipper is in the back for a reason...

  17. It sure looked like the pants are on backwards. I saw the things that the meme mentioned.

    I believe they are backwards. I have had to change my Mom's Clothes after an accident more than once. It is easy to reverse the front and back when you are in a hurry, and dealing with the changee distracting you as you try to dress him/her.

