Monday, July 25, 2022

Times Change

 h/t daily timewaster

This was a recruiting video all right. For butt pirates, not the Navy.

Old salts: If this causes your last meal to make a sudden comeback, remember to puke to the leeward side. If you don't remember why, don't worry; it'll come back to you.


  1. And for some unknown reason, their recruitment numbers are way down.

  2. While ships are rust buckets and the Commander of the Watch runs the ship into other ships in a damn empty Pacific Ocean, everybody's training on pronouns are all up to date.

    We've gotten the Armed Forces that the Democrats want.

    - Borepatch

  3. It's Cheech and Chongs "Buggery on the High Seas"

  4. Ain’t that a Damn sight.

  5. Do remember that a fair bit of Hitlers Brownshirts was gay. They were still effective for civilian attacks until they were destroyed by the night of the long knives by the German Army.

    Remember the range will be hot both ways friends.

  6. And the slippery slope . . . thought that was a logical fallacy? Guess not.

  7. when I was in back in the 1990's, I didn't spend much time on a ship..but I was told if I saw a laundry bag up on deck and it was kicking and screaming, walk away and you didn't see nothing.

    that's how we dealt with things in the don't-ask-don't-tell era...

  8. Not to change the subject, but here's an update on our Indiana mall hero Elijah Dickens.

    Oh, and here's a meme I found both humorous, and succinct.
