Friday, June 10, 2022

Random @$$clowns



  1. I always used to give Volvos plenty of room and lots of attention. They were almost certain to do something stupid or crazy without warning. Now that I no longer see many Volvos, BMW are my new fear.

  2. In the UK it's Audi drivers not using indicators - I say this as a BMW driver who actually uses them!

  3. Been to the Benz factory back in the 1980's, nearly all the manual labor schmucks were Turks with a few krauts here and there to make sure they were working. So no, have no compassion whatsoever for them, even if their jobs are pointless. BTW, my empirical observation is that in this day and age, it is Tesla and BMW drivers who don't know or care what a turn signal is for. That and also if they have Chicago (IL) plates on the car no matter the brand.

  4. Certainly a sense of entitlement as well "Oh! I want to turn here NOW!" Regardless of whether or not they're in a turn lane.
    Boat Guy

  5. The difference between a BMW and a porcupine: a porcupine has the prices on the outside.

    I'll be here all week. Try the shrimp and tip your waitress.

    Mark D

  6. Volvo drivers would / will do stupid stuff believing that they will be safe.
    BMW drivers do stupid stuff because they believe that they are entitled to do so.
    John in Indy

  7. You made TQOTW and me laugh out loud.

  8. Here in South Florida, the worst ones are (poorly) driving shiny new Land Rovers with disdain for all others. Close behind are BMW & Lincoln SUVs. All piloted by entitled assholes.

  9. The problem with BMWs and other luxury cars, everything is standard equipment except for "blinker fluid."

  10. I like to set my blinker on "Left" at startup and just leave it there for the duration.

  11. What I find to be the most fun are the interstate truckers who suddenly decide to change lanes without signaling while on the crowded Cincy to Dayton corridor. Here I am, driving along, reading a Warhammer novel, and a semi barrels from the left lane to the right lane sans signal. TFNE!

  12. When a BMW owner learns to drive, I wonder what kind of car they switch to?

  13. That and also if they have Chicago (IL) plates on the car

    -- I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and was taught a few helpful driving tips, when I was old enough to drive into the city-

    - On the Dan Ryan Expressway, get in the left lane as soon as possible and stay there as long as possible, that way you only have to look out for @ssholes coming at you from three sides.

    - On any of the expressways, NEVER use a turn signal, some @sshole will accelerate into the clear space just to keep you from doing it.

    It was my buddy's dad giving the advice and he was deadly serious, trying to keep us alive thru our teen years. I'm probably not the only one who got similar advice...

