Friday, March 25, 2022

This Is All 100 Of Them

 h/t J.Kb @GFZ

...and the next 500 sociopaths waiting in the wings for a job vacancy, and 50,000 more douchebags running for everything from HOA assistant gauleiter all the way to every local, county, state, and federal office there ever was.

Anyone who files to run for office should be disqualified for life.

No one should ever be allowed to serve unless they can get 5000 people with valid voter registrations in the jurisdiction to sign a draft-for-office petition, at a personal cost of $1/signature, and it should take three declinations, and subsequent re-drafts (with no repeat signatures allowed) before one was allowed to accept and qualify for the ballot. The signatures should also represent a valid geographic and demographic distribution from the relevant jurisdiction.

We've tried it the other way; if the current situation doesn't prove the failure of that system to you, I can't help you.

A term of office should be seen as a prison term, and it should require armed guards to round up the winners and force them to enter office, with a desperate plea for parole a regular feature for those condemned to embark upon it.

Salaries should also mandatorily be set by voter initiative, and raised or lowered at every election, according to strict popular vote, with all salaries down to $0/yr being allowed. Make it multiple choice, with increments of 10% possible, from 0-110. Thus in ten chances out of twelve they'd get a pay cut every election, and the plurality vote prevails. It'd be a real shame if they had to earn regular wages to make ends meet, and only conduct governmental business on their days off, with zero special perks and privileges, wouldn't it? Anyone who got rich in government would be subject to automatic proctological levels of audit and investigation, with non-negotiable mandatory 10-year prison terms for any corruption conviction.

The era of government employment being the Full Employment For Retards Act never should have gotten off the ground. As it is, it's time to shoot it down, pour gasoline on the fire from the crash, and then go after their families with pitchforks and torches, pour encourager les autres.

Even a successful stint in government should be viewed as a prison record, a conviction for prostitution, or a child molestation charge, and the guilty treated accordingly for at least a decade after their return to private life.

Everyone is entitled to a political opinion, but anyone who seeks office should be regarded with the sort of disdain and suspicion one usually reserves for crack whores and used car salesmen, and politicians have every character defect of both those fields of endeavor.


  1. Read a science fiction story one time where advanced computers would look at the nations entire population and pick the most qualified as president and it required an armed force to capture the candidate and force him (it was an old scifi story) to serve because no one really qualified wanted anything to do with the job.

  2. I've long said that the fact anyone wants those jobs should be automatic disqualification for those jobs.

    While we're at it can we have the Federal legislature adopt the Texas legislature schedule?

  3. It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
    ~Douglas Adams
