Friday, March 4, 2022

Operation Stauffenberg Greenlighted...?

Submitted without further comment, except to note that Lindsey Grahamnesty is almost as smart about this as we were, except he needed a full senatorial staff and three extra days to figure out what we already told you on Monday

We can only hope, at this point, that a much more successful version of O╥epaᶣ ᴻ я  WTayΦΦeHδepr is a "Go" very soon.

Meanwhile, as his underlings watch Putin's megalomania continue:


More: (AP)

Russian troops shelling Europe's largest nuclear power plant, in Ukraine? And ignoring alarms going off there?? While shooting at the firemen trying to put out the fire??? What could POSSIBLY go wrong there?!?

Six, two, and even that this news just pushed every European member of NATO to DEFCON 3.

Fun times.

Anyone with their lips still attached to Putin's junk, keep blowing that horn.


  1. Could never be a false flag in the propaganda war, could it?

    Just like Syria's "Using Chemical Weapons" on their people while White Helmets without chemical gear heroically washing them down with a garden hose stuff. Not just once but for weeks proving that no actual chemicals were used. Something about no White Helmets suffering from... Hollywood and Propaganda (but I repeat myself) don't always get the details right.

    Some CIA Installed Comedian was demanding US No Fly Zone and was denied, just before this "horrific event" NATO's offers of fighter jets withdrawn. The Comedian threating to MAKE Nuclear Bombs what a few days ago.

    Maybe now the USA will have to do a No-Fly Zone and thus force Russia to withdraw or start WW3?

    Brinkmanship at its worst. But it's all fun and games with Lindsey the wet fart telling the world we should assassinate Putin. That will surely "turn" the Russians around.

    OR NOT and sunscreen 2000 is recommended.

    Interesting Times as the Chinese Curse goes.

  2. In more measured times, calling for the assassination of a head of state by members of a foreign nation's government would be considered an act of war. Regardless if it's the right thing or not, you don't do this and not expect retaliation. This is playing with fire, naked, while doused in gasoline

  3. Uh huh. Just like the Arabs putting missile launchers next to schools and on top of hospitals, Ukrainian forces attacked Russian forces from inside a reactor complex. What did they expect the Russians to do, lie down and die for the conveniently placed and live-leaked cameras?

  4. @McChuck,

    That's literally a retarded response. Retarded.

    The security forces of the plant did what they were expected and sworn to do - try to defend a sensitive site.

    The fault lies not in trying to defend it, but in the attackers WHO SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN THERE TO BEGIN WITH.

    Anyone who attacks a nuclear power plant doesn't have the intelligence of a monkey. And anyone who defends such an action is retarded.

  5. So, does recognizing that history didn't begin three weeks ago constitute fellating Putin? Are we just going Full Retard now?

  6. Fake false flag propaganda...Ukrainians set an outbuilding on fire...

  7. It appears the attack on the nuclear plant wasn't. They did blow up an administrative office though and some troops.

    That said, Russia is pretty good at assassination and could easily return the favor ten fold.

    Heck if Putin has a fraction of the money people claim his personnel funds could pay for a lot of very nasty cartel killers or disposable types and get to anyone who isn't POTUS.

    Or of course canned sunshine.

  8. @Jim,
    I guess that depends on how fully retarded one wants to go in the first place.
    American history didn't start on July 4, 1776 either, but that still didn't make the British the good guys.
    Putin ginned up this war, and he himself is the only reason it's taking place.
    Under those conditions, him getting thrown under the bus of history isn't that extraordinary.

    He's literally turned his nation into an international pariah state, and become Saddam Hussein. it's over, for both him, and Russia, as long as he draws breath. And only someone not in his right mind would continue on with this under those circumstances.

    He has no way to walk any of this back, nothing to apologize with or pay it back with except his own neck, and the only open question is how long until he's either assassinated, or simply dies. He can never leave Russia to go anywhere, and any funds he controls will be seized anywhere else in the world. There will be no events, no summits, no meetings. He's dug himself a deep, deep hole, and the only way out of it is to shovel the dirt back him with him inside it.

  9. Russia may also wind up like North Korea- small, broke, backwards, and completely under China's thumb.
    In fact, being friendly enough to trade with Russia, but not enough to go to war with them could be to China's great benefit. They get another wild dictatorship dependent on them useful for threatening the West with war- but make sure that nothing happens to change things.

  10. Well, assume Vlad isn't actually insane or ignorant, or misled by people or ego.

    If that's the case, what is his 'win' state? What is HIS victory condition? IE. what's HE going for?

    In other words what did/does he think he's going to get out of this whole thing?

    All the food and food production from the region to feed Russians during the coming famine?* Holodomor established precedent.

    Dictating terms for Europe wrt oil and gas after he starves/freezes them for a while?

    No one is the villain in their own story, and if you understand the motive you can 'solve the crime' so to speak.

    And what is the traditional reward to a conquering general, a regional Governorship? No one in his staff fancies themselves as Supreme Leader of Nu Uke? With a dozen satrapies for lesser Generals?

    There is some story where this all makes sense to Vlad. It may be moot to figure out what it is, but it might help evaluate the situation too. If he sees the Ukraine as a step to securing most of the food and fuel that Europe needs in the coming years, and pictures himself in control of all that, with the EU begging him to release a few more crumbs from his stockpiles, maybe the juice is worth the squeeze? Hell, maybe he has cancer and it's simply his last big hurrah?


    * what if with me for a moment-- what if Vlad has access to some really good forecasts and models and they are telling him that half the native russians will starve in the next 2-4 years due to collapses in farming output, due to lack of fertilizer, cooling weather, etc; and chinese stockpiling, or some other combination of things?

    What if this is really the beginning of something VERY BAD where the first movers are grabbing all the resources they can and committing to a plan of action? According to reports the chinese have been buying food everywhere for a couple of years and stockpiling like mad.

    Maybe John Ringo's story The Last Centurion is prophesy after all?

  11. Might be wise to wait a week or two or even a month before consigning Russia to the dustbin of nations.

  12. @GVDL,
    Dustbin? No.
    Pariah for the next 20-50 years, short of wholesale and retail regime change? Yes.
    They were there my entire life, except for brief shaft of light under the crack of the door for about a minute.
    The only question is whether Vlad gets away with this, or takes one in the head for the team.

    I gave up trying to figure out the Russians after a year of graduate-level poli sci in the late 80s. Whatever they, or more specifically, Vlad and his inner circle of minions, think they're accomplishing, they're utterly wrong, just like Lenin and his Useful idiots were last time around.
    Vlad has dug a deep hole, and how he's pulling the dirt and rock onto his own head. His enormous miscalculation regarding the worldwide reaction to this are exactly the blind hubris that led FSU to invade Afghanistan, which became the crowing debacle of that failed state, and hastened its collapse.
    Ukraine, short of a modern full-scale and all-out genocide there, and killing 30M people outright, is going to be that, x10. Minimum.
    If Putin were half the genius the people online giving him a daily a tongue bath think he is, he'd be Bill Paxton in Aliens, after their first evac bird crashes, looking around and crying, "This is some real pretty shit right here, man. Game over."

    The last person to conquer a neighboring European nation without legitimate casus belli and die quietly in their own bed lived in the Middle Ages, IIRC.

    Switzerland, still stinging from repercussions of looking the other way during Hitler's Holocaust, took, what? about 5 minutes to jump on Vlad with both feet. Permanently neutral Switzerland, FFS. The UN vote to condemn was 141-5. You can't get those worthless mofos at the Nutless Talk Shop to agree on anything, and 2 of the 5 were Russia and Belarus, Vlad's Ukrainian invasion co-conspirator. Vlad's allies are the Norks, his Syria client state (with a sizable chunk of the Russian Army stationed there propping up Assad), and basketcase Eritrea.
    When you're at the table with Syria and the Norks, you've already f**ked up royally. When it's only Syria and the Norks, you're literally Satan.

    I'm open to persuasion: paint me any picture where this lemon is worth the squeeze, rather than a festering pustulent sore that sickens and kills the host.

  13. IDK if I could persuade anyone, I don't know if I believe it myself. It's just that I have a hard time reconciling Vlad the guy who got to where he is, and STAYED THERE, with someone who would be so wrong with this invasion. I can't help thinking that if the first answer doesn't make sense, keep looking for other answers.

    In any case, time will tell, and the impact on me and my preps is the same.

    - if Russia acts against the US I think cyber attacks are most likely against banking and infrastructure. Given that, I'm suggesting cash or trade goods on hand vs large amounts in electrons on a server. Minimize dependence on other people's infrastructure, have alternatives ready (ie. food and ways to cook it, water and ways to make it safe to drink, etc.)

    - if food is the driving issue, I'm upping my storage and suggesting others do the same.

    -if inflation and scarcity are increasing, stack ALL the things. Especially things you know wear out, like motor oil, tires, wiper blades, fluids, filters. Wouldn't hurt to have some extra depth in the pantry and the supply cabinet.

    - it's getting close to time, or past time for the nut cuttin' wrt to "friends". Public personas should be drawing in-- "yeah I gave all my extra food to the food bank, felt like the right thing to do with so many people hurting" and "Guns? No, I don't want any around to be stolen and used against me." Circles of trust should be tightening. At the same time, networks of untrusted allies should be expanding. Who has car parts? Who can fix a washing machine? Who's got a machine shop or a welder? Who knows how to grow veggies? Where are the local illegals getting their food, and support? Is there a swapmeet? Some bodegas? Are there areas where people are selling stuff on the street, or in parking lots? (and consider what YOU bring to any exchange like that)

    --stuff pops off, the underground or secondary economy might be the only place to get what you need. Better to start feeling that out early. Better to be a regular, known in the market...

    Time to turn prepping up to 11 no matter what happens with Vlad.


  14. Nothing unwise about any of that.

    Call it "hyperprudence".

  15. "IDK if I could persuade anyone, I don't know if I believe it myself. It's just that I have a hard time reconciling Vlad the guy who got to where he is, and STAYED THERE, with someone who would be so wrong with this invasion."

    Terminal Hubris is a thing, both in politics and industry. A person can get to the top and stay there, but once there, they kind of lose contact with actual reality. Hitler is perhaps the most famous 20th century example of that exact thing in politics, but Ceausescu, Saddam, and Qaddafi also fit in that space.

    Note that intelligence does not protect people from this, and I would even argue that it makes one more susceptible to Terminal Hubris.
