Thursday, March 3, 2022

One Graph: Total Truth

 h/t Borepatch

89% of the COVID deaths are those vaccinated. 11% unvaccinated. (Column 5 is the tally of columns 2,3,and 4.)

But waitaminute, in the UK, the vaccination rate is proclaimed to be about 90%. (89-93%, depending on the area of the UK.)

Which means, firstly, that the deaths of the unvaccinated should be about 10% of the total if the vaccine doesn't do anything.

But if the vaccines "work", nearly all the deaths should be the unvaccinated!

So what does this tell us?

1) The vaccines DO NOT WORK. They do absolutely nothing beneficial.

In fact, they're about as effective a wearing a rabbit's foot. But wait! There's more!

2) Vaccination makes those who receive it just as likely to die as those who haven't been vaxxed, with the added risks of pericarditis, massive clotting, strokes, and dozens of other known and admitted side effects. Which increase with each dose.

Oh, bugger.

You got vaxxed? Pisser for you, eh?

Pitchforks, torches, and tumbrels in 3,2,...?

Nope. Just kidding.

Most of the vaxxed are too busy shoving their fingers in their ears to the third knuckle and chanting "LA!LA!LA! I can't HEEEEEEEEAR yooooou!" for that to ever happen.

If they admit they were vaxx-raped, they underline they were the mark in the con. They lose face. So 80-95% of them will just STFU and blunder along quietly. Even the ones who did it with the best information available, with honest motives, and no sheepish government zombie-following reflex.

This is why it's so hard to prosecute con men. No one wants to admit they were suckered.


  1. After waiting a long time to get established with a local physician, I finally got to see one and get my records here in our new home town. Two weeks ago he drops dead from a heart attack. He was 47. Was he "vaxxed"? I'll likely never find out, but the local hospital was pushing the vax hard when it came out. Not so much lately. Even Dr. Robert Malone says it nearly killed him with the second dose, and it was only a sharp cardiologist who saved him.
    We had a visit last summer from a physician friend of ours who deals with a lot of kungflu patients, with the standard of practice of Remdisivir and intubation. I asked her about reported renal problems with Remdisivir, and all she said was "You're reading too much nonsense on the internet!" I changed the subject and we talked about other things. I don't have any interest in ever seeing her again.
    I had my bout with the coof a month ago. Eight days of varying symptoms during which time I added IVM to my supplement regimen. A couple days the sore throat made it hard to stay hydrated when swallowing was so painful. Another week or two of feeling just washed out and lousy, I'm now back to normal. My only risk factor is age (68), otherwise I'm going to presume I'm beyond it with natural immunity now.

  2. I butted heads with my doc last fall. We agree to disagree.
    He's 20 years younger than I am. I expect to outlive him, purely from not getting the vaxx.
    I've done my dissection days. Three-foot-long blood clots in arteries is not normal in human physiology.

  3. Sadly, my mom jumped on the vax bandwagon early on. I am down here now looking for a facility to place her in for, hopefully, recovery of her senses.

    She began getting confused, then rapidly started having hallucinations. First week or so was deceased relatives. Now it car wrecks, cut foot, a fight with 4 men (which she won).

    No physical issues found. No prior history other than bad knees and the not-a-vax.
    No memory loss whatsoever. 82 years old.

    2 weeks of meds and no improvement yet.

    I am at a loss of how to help her. But I have gone beyond angry at anyone pushing the not-a-vax.

  4. It's cognitive dissonance, cognitive dissonance and turtles, all the way down.

  5. I quit believing .GOV stats and numbers early on in this scamdemic.

    However, you CAN believe the numbers are either this bad or worse!

    9,000 "Covid 19" deaths in a month.
    560 unvaxxed
    8,400 Vaxxed.


  6. My brother in law was boosted in early January, and he didn't get covid, but he did get a blood clot that gave him a stroke that killed him by late January.

  7. “ No one wants to admit they were suckered.”
    I was suckered. Got 2 shots last spring, before you better instincts and research skills took over, haven’t and won’t get another unless someone puts a loaded gun to my head and a needle to my arm and demands that I choose in the next 5 seconds. Thankfully, no known side effects…but I got sick as a dog (high fever, body aches and terrible congestion for weeks 3 times since). Have had tingling in my toes and cold feet for months, which is new for me (age 61).

    So, how do I get this shit out of my body? Been taking high doses of D3, C, a good multivitamin, Quercetin, green tea extract, zinc 81 mg aspirin and NAC, plus a tea with lots of aniseed in it (claimed to be a detox tea and tastes good to me, can’t hurt).

  8. I got moderna in April 2021 and so far ok.

    My daughter got vaxed after she had covid, which I was very upset about after hearing.

    I thought I was pretty well informed when I got the jab. I now I know I was lied to. So many lies. And the censorship on top of that.

    One blog I follow moved from blogger to substack due to the censorship.

    What is the rate of vax side effects? Denninger suggests 1 in 30.

    The campaign against any early treatment is just evil. How many died due to this?
