Saturday, February 19, 2022

In Lieu Of Eye Bleach

In what will assuredly not be a regular feature around here, and solely to cleanse the palate, and wash away the foul aftertaste of seeing your current deputy undersecretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition from the Office Of Nuclear Energy in all its festering hideous glory, we present for your enjoyment model, author, and fashion designer Dita Von Teese (aka Heather Renée Sweet). Formerly from Rochester, MI, currently from Hollywood, and doubtless starring in a few million men's dreams, still looking ageless here at 38 on the left, her current 49 on the right, and timeless for, well...ever.

In the words of Tony Stark, "I want one."

This is what an actual woman should look like posing on a red carpet. At least, if you go in for the utterly stunning sort of look. Rumor has it she has a portrait of herself that looks like absolute hell, and if I ever get invited over to her place, I promise I'll let you know for sure. Eventually.

Dita, unlike the offending post subject from yesterday, is all woman (sadly, we have no firsthand experience to testify to that fact). This is all of her we're showing you, because this isn't a porn site, not even soft-core, and frankly, the vision above ought to be enough for any ten red-blooded males. Besides, if you want to see more of her, she isn't hard to find on the internet, in all her glory. And that's all we'll have to say about that.

Any woman of 49 who can make Marilyn Monroe in her prime look like an ugly duckling is okay in our book. Much as I'd love a solid gold falcon encrusted with precious jewels, Sam Spade was wrong: this is the stuff dreams are made of.

You're welcome.


  1. Another one who's up there in age is English model and actress Elizabeth Hurley, born in 1965, but still knows how to fill out a bikini.
    Nice to look at pictures of pretty girls, as a break from the sickness and decadence of our rapidly disintegrating society.
    Thank you for the post.

  2. Lovely. Thank you for your restraint. Civilization and chivalry depend upon decorum and restraint. Like anything else, imagination is the seed for innovation.

  3. Indeed. Thank You!I do not believe that you would hear any complaints if do did this occasionally.

  4. She was in an episode of "CSI Vegas" as the perp.
    A number of fine photos on the web.
    Not sure if she is still performing her show tours.
    A natural blond that went raven.
    Has a nice web site as well - worth the look.

  5. Thank you, that is much better than that.....thing... from yesterday.

  6. Yup, decent eyebleach to replace fetish Matt Damon.
