Saturday, February 19, 2022

Alles Ist En Ordnung, Herr Maple Führer


People who trample little old ladies and your civil rights
never had your best interests in mind, at any point.

Trample this, bitchez.


  1. Imagine a killdozer built on a Liebherr T282C, you could put 4inches of 4130 steel on all sides and still be under the capacity of that beast.
    No rcmp cavalry charge is going to stop that beast...


  2. Only reason I see for the trucks to move is to haul up the most recent edition of killdozers. Either that or just park the trucks at home and let the hungry masses do all the work. Take about a week before no fuel, no food, no nothing moving anywhere gets their attention. Here, ya go troo-doughy soi boi, negotiate this. The LEO's doing nothing but slitting their own throats and painting huge targets on their backs. After this ain't no self respecting Canuck ever gonna trust a mountie ever again. And when the trucks start rolling again, if they ever do, I sure wouldn't wanna be on the downwind side of a passing truck. Just sayin!

  3. What, they didn't have sabers like the scene in Dr Zavago.
