Tuesday, December 14, 2021


h/t I Hate The Media 

(Reality's Bitchslap) 'The situation is dire'; Salvation Army facing toy, donation shortage ahead of holidays'

 Get Woke, Go Broke.

When the @$$tards running that lash-up publicly fires outright every single one of their communist knuckleheads who wrote, greenlighted, and/or promulgated their idiotic White Guilt Apology Manual, get down on their knees and beg forgiveness from the entire white world for ever uttering it, and unconditionally repudiate the entire socialist woketard doctrine as Satanic evil, entirely inconsistent with Christianity, maybe they'll see another cent from me.

Not one minute sooner.

BTW: If anyone thinks they've rescinded their original documents, no such thing is so.
They pulled only the original pamphlet, but the Commie Progtard Study Guide On Racism is still exactly where it was left, by the same Woketard minions who brought out the retail version.

UPDATE: Great Response Letter. Heartily approve. I'm still dropping skidmarked TP in their buckets, nonetheless. Or, you can print these up, and drop them off around town as you see fit.


  1. Naw, they're done.
    Not another fucking penny.

  2. The Iron Law of Bureaucracy says that the leadership will never do this. They'll run the organization entirely into the ground before they do this and then get new jobs based on "Fascist Trumpists wrecked the pooooor Salvation Army, sniff sniff!"

    The Elite doesn't care what it wrecks as long as the Elite keeps other Elite whole.

    When (if? assuming that elections matter, which they don't), a Republican President should revoke their tax exemption status, and prosecute the current management for tax fraud.

  3. On the radio (national broadcast) they mentioned the big Salvation Army shortfall. Never once in the story did they mention the woke reason for the shortfall.

    I can't understand why they're running short: I've already dropped five "white apologies" into the bucket. Wasn't that what they wanted??

  4. I used to make it a point to have some cash on the way out of stores to give them. I have no intention of giving another cent. But I just realized I have only seen one bucket/bellringer this season. But then I'm Irish/Polish/Scottish/Lithuanian,(that's like super-white) so what do I know?

  5. Just as a statement. If they do can everyone. And I mean everyone involved with prejudice. Fired for cause. Bad reference if applicable. Completely hostile to those f@$#ers. I would be happy to donate quite a bit. But it would have to be EVERYONE involved and prove it.

    Just to send the message to others that the organization can be salvaged if, and only if they are purged and replaced with the right people.

    Otherwise, burn.

  6. They can walk back that message but everyone knows that the leadership that went "Woke" is still there. Inglorious end to an organization that had a long productive career.

  7. I donated a couple of furniture items and an old desktop computer yesterday...only because their place was a lot closer than the landfill. And the two other pieces they wouldn't take, I dropped off at the Goodwill.

    I feel kind of bad because I've always dropped cash in their red buckets every time I'd come out of the grocery store. My wife is especially dedicated to the Salvation Army because they helped her out when she was in dire straits and really needed the help.

    I haven't even stopped to ask any of their workers what they thought about their leadership.

  8. I do feel a bit of unease for the people that they won't be able to help this year though, because I'm pretty sure that most people bypassing the red bucket won't be throwing the same amount of money into an alternative charity.

    I HOPE that everyone that bypasses the Salvation Army will donate to some local (preferably VERY LOCAL) food bank or other charity that directly helps people. A local church is a good place to start looking for someplace worthy of the help. Preferably it's somewhere that vets people for need before giving them the handout.

    FWIW, outside of newly woke doctrinal issues, SA does a much better job of disaster relief than the Red Cross, or at least that's been our experience in Houston. Red Cross won't get a cent from me for purely logical reasons- their management and fundraisers make too much money. They treat disaster relief as a profit center. They are arrogant beyond belief when they do come to help (they have a VERY STRONG "only ones" attitude.)

    It's easy to throw coins in the bucket, it's harder to know your money is being well used.

  9. My annual Salvation Army donation is going to the local food pantry from now on.

  10. The Salvation Army is not a charity, but a church. As such they are different, BUT it is a shame they let this happen, and they are reaping what they have sown. I changed my Amazon charitable donation from the Salvation Army to the Second Amendment Foundation, and I feel terrific when I see that when I log in to Amazon.

  11. I stopped giving to organized charities after seeing the amount of overhead that was involved in raising money. I only do DU now as they translate 87 cents on the dollar to doing their mission. The Clinton Crime Initiative only put 9 cents to their mission.


  12. I’m not surprised they’re having a shortfall

  13. " Fuquem." Aye.

  14. The left is steadily marching through and destroying every organization they touch.
    They can apologize, behead the leadership responsible for this and apologize again, but no, NOT ANOTHER CENT EVER.
    You have chosen to belittle and demean your donor base, well, deal with the the ramifications.

  15. How many of you have the SA in your will? I did and am scheduled to see my lawyer after the holidays to correct that.
    Forget the few bucks I used to drop every time I passed a kettle, if I died right now those buggers would be getting serious coin. And we can't have that.

  16. Why people can't figure out: go on a bowel strike until you board the offending airline...then...whale, you get it...at the entrance of the offending retail establishment...flat tire...who doesn't get them all the time?...imagine a few million deciding to be grit in the system...just a bit of friction...call the banks...tell them you want to open an account...burn the junk mail you receive which feeds the plants the CO2 they desperately need...they're whores...they'll sell your name to the nigerians...for a half-pence...f'n whores...



  17. I guess this leaves the VFW as my last donation place. My dad served in the Korean war. You should see their eyes light up when you give them 50 bucks for a 13-cent paper poppy flower. Then you'll know gratitude. Love it.
