Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Music: Escape (The Piña Colada Song)


The '70s equivalent of "Never Gonna Give You Up", it was released in October of '79, and climbed right up the charts to No.1 before year's end. Then got bumped, and then peaked again, becoming the first pop song to chart Number 1 in two decades. It was everywhere, literally for years. And you still can't get away from it forty year later, after it landed on the Vol. 1 mix tape from Guardians Of The Galaxy. Because everybody loves a happy ending.


  1. Born in 1954, I certainly remember Mr. Holmes's little ditty. Back then, all I had in a car was a radio -- I didn't shell out for an 8-track, much less that miracle of modern technology, the Compact Cassette. So that particular musical short story was inserted into my head like the whine of a dentist's drill.

    Still, not the worst of the 70s. That distinction probably goes to the musical masterpiece "Afternoon Delight."

  2. Yeah no, not with you on this one. The only song that will cause me to hit the channel change faster and harder is Imagine.

    The only happy ending here is that the faithless cheating scum that are the main characters end up together so as not to ruin the lives of two worthwhile people.

  3. Like I said, Randy, everybody loves a happy ending. :)
    And as Jim noted, above, I won't be putting up Starland Vocal Band selections anytime soon. Like ever. The best use of that track was demonstrated in P.C.U..

  4. Well if we are talking bad songs from the 70's then I would like to throw "Patches" into the mix.

  5. I'd also suggest checking out the sophomore effort of Mr. Holmes, "Anwswering Machine". I was unaware of it until recently while driving a loaner vehicle with Sirius XM service tuned to the so called "yacht rock" channel, and was treated to a previously unrealized level of pop cheese courtesy of old Rupert. We shall not see the likes of such songwriting again. Whether that is a good or bad thing I'll leave to individual discretion.
