Saturday, October 2, 2021

Minding My Own Business


If you've noticed the relative (and likely also temporary) peace and quiet here, it could be because we've been taking part of that potential job loss war chest from the last couple of months, and picking up some more needful things. Not all of it is being spent, to be sure, and that slush fund will remain well-added to as well.

But we remind you all, Gentle Readers, that

1) Inflation is rampant. And running 5-20X what FedGov claims it isn't. Buying more things now that will keep allows you to eat next year at last year's prices.

2) Winter is coming on soon. Figuratively, as well as actually. This one may last years to decades.

3) Government isn't getting less intrusive, brighter, nor more helpful, at any level. The more you do now to preclude needing them later, the better off you'll be both now and later.

4) We even note some calming of the ammo hoarding, and the modest return of once-familiar items to local store shelves. Add to your surplus now, before the next panic-trigger, and the one after that.

5) We will also be activating some back-of-our-mind contingency plans that we had thought about before the whole jab-or-be-fired kerfluffle. That includes the A-C-E for everything, at every level of consideration, for our own personal PACE planning. Consider us now firm believers in the belt-and-suspenders-and-duct-tape School Of Preparedness. An acre (or more) in adjoining/nearby state(s), as well as the closer hinterlands in this one, offers an unbelievable number of interesting possibilities. And that's all we'll say about that.


  1. Best wishes Aesop. Hope you get through all this alive & in one piece. Really enjoy the RR & your replies!

  2. Good points all, Brother. It's sorta good you employer folded on the exemptions but I hope your egress - which must eventually happen - is successful.
    We've been spending money on non-perishable goods for the same reason you are; the FRN is worth less now but will become worthless in the not-too-distant future.
    Boat Guy

  3. Good Sir, you have a bed in Eastern Tennessee if you need it.
    Smith and Wesson just got wise, you should do the same. Adjacent isn't far enough.

  4. Belt and suspenders and duct tape school of preparedness...

    OK. You lost me. I need a reference for that one. Cluebat please. Thanks.

  5. Nobody wears a belt and suspenders. Either one alone will suffice. Those uncertain might wear both. But when things look really bad, having duct tape to keep your trousers up isn't a bad idea.

    Right now, things look really bad. And trending worse.

  6. were you to be so inclined to come to one of the more hospitaled towns in the country, I can certify a bed while you got settled and found exurban land etc.

    Just have to go with the North Ohio winters.

    Cleveland clinic
    Case/University hospitals
    Metro General (Best trauma shop in town, though CCF and C/UH are in the mix
    SUMMA System (Akron and working north towards up here

    it's actually a job hunter's market hereabouts. especially with your skillset.

    Night driver

  7. Ah. Yes we do belt for cargos/ bdu Suspenders on lbe belt water n stuff is heavy that gets lighter as used . Nuff
