Saturday, August 28, 2021

New Mask Mandate


To anyone in the impact area for Ida, Best Wishes, and take care, y'all. Stay safe.

And remember who's in charge of FEMA now.

FWIW, if you leave now, you could probably be in Iowa before Ida gets to the coast.

And even farther away before the feds get there to really screw the pooch.


  1. And if you aren't leaving, don't let the authorities disarm you and leave easy prey for the looters.

  2. Last time, they had to import California Highway Patrol critters to go door-to-door confiscating guns, because the California National Guard commander refused to do that.
    Not to say that the locals were not involved, see, for example, the Harvey (just across the GNO bridge) shooting black people (at the time N.O. was 65% black, more so now) to keep them out of their mostly white town.
    Also remember that about 60% of the N.O.P.D. walked off the job to take care of their own folk.
    If someone hasn't left yet, they will be a statistic.
    John in Indy

  3. Heard Joe is taking responsibility for Ida response.
    Expect Taliban to take control of Louisiana by Tuesday.
    Cajun Navy pushes them out to shark country by Thursday.

  4. C'mon man, that was four or five days ago.
