Saturday, August 28, 2021

Meanwhile, In The West Wing...



  1. Paging General Ripper-

    Economies around the world in shambles. Monies made evermore worthless. Businesses collapsed. Families torn asunder. Once homogenous societies made into opposing, warring camps. Borders erased, and ideas of sovereignty discarded.

    Our world is not falling apart. It is being systematically destroyed, deliberately, methodically, with malice aforethought.

    The agents responsible are not nameless, faceless entities. Nor are they mere concepts such as demographics or climate.

    No, the responsible parties are human, men and women, a group of megalomaniacal sociopaths, who by virtue of their vast wealth and positions of power, view the entire world as theirs to remake as they see fit. They assemble every year in a charming Swiss village, their personal clubhouse, to plot and plan the next steps in their path to complete global domination. Their Utopian worldview is one in which they rule over a vast and undespoiled sylvan landscape, while the rest of humanity exists only to serve them. Their intent is to amass all of the world's wealth and resources for themselves, and they are willing- nay, in the process of- exterminating a large portion of the world's population to that end.

    It is monstrous. It is Satanic. It is the largest crime against humanity ever perpetrated.

    The next meeting of their secret society is scheduled for January 17-22, 2022 in Davos, Switzerland.

    General Ripper, you know what to do.

  2. I guess in order to save this village, they've determined they have to destroy it?
