Saturday, June 5, 2021

You Wanted To Ban WHAT?!?

 h/t Borepatch

Federal court delivers cock punch to DemoCommunists.

Federal judge: CA AWB ruled unconstitutional.

Americans knew the truth of this ruling before it was delivered. It was only a surprise to the America-hating Leftards.

Which is another reason the 2020 election had to be stolen: with just two more appointments, the Ninth Circus would have flipped to majority conservative judges, and the entire Western US returned to constitutional law and justice from days of yore.

To be sure, the Empire will strike back, but the fundamental truth remains. 

BTW, note the date the ruling takes effect.

Judge Benitez has a wry sense of humor.


  1. That was an interesting 94-page read.

  2. Effective July 4th. Ha! Suck it, progtards!

  3. Just a note: the ruling has been pulled from the State of California website. Curious......and curiouser. But then, we have known that Democrats/Communists have no sense of humor. I sure enjoyed hearing that a Latino judge stuck it to the folks who think that his kinfolk will vote them in forever. Their is a certain poetry to that. And......the effective date is so apropos!!

  4. I read the entire ruling.

    Judge Benitez did a most excellent job of researching and justifying his decision. Too bad he delayed it for 30 days so the Kalifornia AG could appeal to the Ninth Circus.

    If his decision is overturned, I'd bet a case of Anchor Steam ale that it winds up at SCOTUS.

  5. The full decision is available here:
