Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Get Off Of My Lawn

For Peter

Remus x Mattis x Dillon Aero Precision.

Because those mobs aren't going to kill themselves.


  1. The bottom line conclusion from Peter Grant and Masaad Ayoob about mob violence: DON'T BE THERE.
    Growing up as the runt of my class I developed a good nose for trouble and I'm gone before it starts.
    I worked for 38 years in a "gun free zone", a major medical center, and I used to tell my co-workers that I had a very bad attitude about that. If I'm not allowed to carry concealed, with the threat of immediate termination if I did, then as soon as I hear a "pop-pop-pop" anywhere, I will vanish without even a cartoon puff of smoke. Don't count on me for help.
    We are ever so relieved now to have retired to the Oregon Outback, 170 miles from the nearest interstate, and while I can empathize with those who cannot do the same, that same advice about mob violence still applies. DON'T BE THERE.

  2. Areo Precision niiiice. Good use of Boeing.
