Friday, October 25, 2019

Play Stupid Games...

h/t Miguel

SB634 - Fishing With Ar-15 Verbotten

It's Florida, so this one will probably be defeated.
This time.

But the fact that it was submitted, and it's got a chance at all, is directly traceable to the fucktards who decided that just because they could sling an AR-15 to go to the pier, or the mall, that they therefore ought to.

O! If only someone had told them, in blisteringly simple language, that despite being within the limits of the law, they were still being public fuckwits, and far beyond the bounds of common sense for doing this.

Oh, wait, they did.

About ten times, on multiple sites, from all over the country.
(We've seen this exact asshattery here in Califrutopia, firsthand, and it is assuredly a great way to unite everyone against your position, every single time. If someone wants to stop the three-decade CCW and Open Carry bandwagon nationwide, this nonsense is just the way to do it.)

The Open Carry-tards couldn't put their fingers in their ears and go "La La La!" fast enough to ignore those warnings, and their head cheerleader is still in total denial that rights bring responsibilities, and that chief among those is common sense, specifically by not being a jackass in public. That's always its own reward. Laws like this are just icing on that shitcake.

So maybe, hopefully, they duck a bullet this time.
Instead of punishing everyone in the state for the over-the-top stupidity of a dumbass few.

But it will be back.

Until it passes.
(Maybe locals might have noticed how nicely FL - and TX - are purpling up? Nah, too much like thinking there.)

Exactly as we warned.

Chances of anyone who thought rifle-toting to get a burger was smart saying "Gee, maybe we've been stepping all over our dicks, and should re-think our silly antics...": 0%. 

You don't like more stupid gun control laws?
This is how you get more stupid gun control laws.


But maybe, stop attracting your dumbest folks to publicity like moths to the flame with this idiocy, and making them your de facto spokesholes every time they cleat their own junk.
And then post their antics on YouTube.

Just a thought...


  1. BuT mUh OVeRtOn WiNdOw.

    - BAP45

  2. Why not just ban abortion clinics from being within 1500 feet of schools, churches, hospitals, and so forth? I mean, if you really want to make a statement about being opposed to killing...

  3. Because (at least so far) Planned parenthood employees don't go to the burger place with dead babies strapped to their backs.

    You'd think gun owners could be that bright as well, but...

  4. Off topic - is the website at the link legit?

  5. Sheesh.
    Common Sense is more of an oxymoron than Common Courteousy
    Winter's comin and with it my OC days are ending. handguns go undercover now, because we gotta wear more cover.

  6. @Sanders:

    It's a real link.
    As far as content, it appears to be clickbait for 400+ ads, and god-only-knows what level of accuracy in the subcategories.

    Why would you bother with that?

    The WHO publishes weekly updates, which are about as good as it gets, given Africa.

  7. Gotta ask what does ROWBYS stand for?

  8. If we were all rational adults in this world you would be absolutely right, Aesop. But with Clown World rising...? I have doubts and reservations. Pleasing your enemies does not make them your friends. If they feel justified in telling you where you can carry your rifle and you defer to them in that... they’ll tell you where you can carry your pistol too. And where you can speak. And what you can say. And what you can think. This is how we got here... by letting our enemies define the moral high ground, and what is and isn’t acceptable. Once they’ve done that, moving the goal posts, changing the rules, double standards and all the other crap comes with it.

    My response in an ideal world to this controversy would be, “Alright...we disagree on open carry of rifles. Us gunnies will sit down and discuss it because we know what we’re taking about. The gun grabbers, the activists, the media slobs, and grandstanding politicos will not be involved in that, and will be informed of our decision once we come to a consensus.

    And to get the ball rolling... why do you oppose open carry of ARs in urban settings, Aesop? What’s the difference between a righteous shooting with an AR or AK and one done with a handgun? Or a wrongful one? Why is it worse to be murdered with an assault rifle than a flintlock? Or a handgun? Because some blood dancing faggot in the media thinks so? Or some hysterical, emoting Mother Against Everything says so? On what other topics will you defer to them on?

    I get very uncomfortable when we start pandering to the sensibilities and preferences of people we should be on guard against.

  9. Know lots of people in Florida, including most of wifey's kin.
    Anyone that goes fishing there usually takes a rifle with them. Inland for alligators, offshore for unwanted finned catch. They are NOT used for fishing.
    Regardless, when the gov starts telling me when and how I can exercise my basic rights, I get my back up.

  10. The government has always and will always tell you where and when and how you exercise your rights, especially if you act the jackass about it.

    Don't believe me; tote your AR-15 to court, or into a school, because "Muh Constetooshun!" and let us know how that works out for you. Wear one to your protest outside the White House, too. You'll meet a lot of fine folks at the Secret Service in short order, assuming they don't just cap you out of hand.

    If someone were wearing/carrying their AR-15 inland where alligators were a problem, I could see the point. Not so much when it's on a pier and the nearest alligator is in the 'Glades 50 miles away. And nobody's looking the fool offshore; its the ones doing it in town, within sight of the car and inside city limits, not carrying on a boat 3 miles off that coast when literally no one sees nor cares.

    That's why this law was written in the first place: some people have to show off when everyone's watching, and there's no stretch of a cause.

    When you're Ben Franklin inventing, you can make a case for flying a kite with a copper string, once. When you're just an idiot trying to short out the power grid for your neighbors now, you're not inventing anything, you're just being an ass.
    That's everyone standing on a city pier or inside Burger Mart open-carrying a rifle or shotgun.

    Idiots acting like idiots is an open invitation for government to start putting its own chocolate-covered sticky mitts all over things, and making them worse, not better, because of a few morons. If people weren't morons, we wouldn't need laws at all. The stupider people are, the more laws you need to help the morons know when they're out of line.

  11. And the more laws we have, the more stupid people become.
    Laws should not be passed to protect stupid people from themselves.

  12. I agree. The laws are to protect other people from stupid people.

    If we simply allowed the police to shoot stupid people in the head on the spot, far better all around for everyone else.
    But like everyone, the cops would f**k that mission up, so you get what you get, instead.

  13. I’m not an idiot Aesop. I know gubbimints can and will restrict rights, and in cases like courts and schools and certain other sensitive areas, those restrictions make sense and I understand the need for them.

    I live in Canada, where we are about to have to “sell” any guns that frighten liberals back to the govt for pennies on the dollar. I may very well end up going to jail for refusing to comply. Nobody carries guns ANYWHERE in Canada. We don’t have the mass shootings you guys do either. Up here most assault rifles are either banned outright or heavily regulated. I was raised in a family of progressive shitlibs and Marxists. I know all about pandering to their sensitivities and feelings. I could go on at length but suffice it to say... it doesn’t work. We still got the idiotic gun laws anyways. If you think for a second that avoiding a fight with those guys is the same as preventing one... you are out to lunch.

    My point is that you are going to get stupid gun legislation out of those fucks whether you appeal to their sensibilities or not. They’re marxists and commies. That is how they roll. That is what they do. People like that are the reason your Founding Fathers entrenched your gun rights right after your freedom of speech. To the gun grabbers, they don’t see a difference between you putting a pistol in your pocket, or Bubba walking around with a slung AR. When they start whining and asking why a man is exercising a constitutional right, the correct response is BFYTW. It would be the correct response to anyone for that matter.

    My second point is that if you open up this idea of certain guns arbitrarily being appropriate or inappropriate in arbitrarily designated areas... you’re just giving the gun grabbers the rope they are going to hang you with. When you start thinking that the intent of the constitution is to protect your feelings rather than your rights - as you seem to be arguing here, you can bet Leftie will too. Make your mistake Aesop, but don’t say you weren’t warned.

    Having said all that... were it not for the political climate I would otherwise agree with you.

  14. "When you start thinking that the intent of the constitution is to protect your feelings rather than your rights"

    Supporting laws to change peoples behavior is fine, but we end up at the point where every law becomes OK, regardless of it's effectiveness.
    Where do you stand your ground Aesop?
    When or at what point do you say "enough"?
    In times past, laws were made to protect the law abiding, say speed limits. But in recent decades, we've become as a people infatuated, and accustomed with multiple laws that dictate our behavior in every facet of our lives.
    We're all scared. Unable to live through the day without wondering if we've broken the law somehow.
    Is there any way back? back to when we could walk down the street armed and no one would wet their pants?

  15. A few weeks ago I saw a pedestrian walking down the road right past the local (Eustis Florida YMCA) with his AR15 on his sholder
