Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Free Pluto!

h/t Daily Timewaster


  1. What an amazing photo. Thanks for linking to it.

  2. That's a long way away and it's not in our vital national interests to do so. We should focus on the more important issues closer to home. Reunite Gondwanaland!

  3. " We should focus on the more important issues closer to home...


  4. I say if it could exert enough force to influence the orbit of Neptune, it is a planet.
    The search for the object (Planet X) was over when an amateur astronomer was hired
    by the Lowell Observatory to do the grunt work of staring at a blink comparator
    on hundreds if not thousands of photographic plates. It was an anomaly in the
    orbit of Neptune that resulted in the hunt for Pluto.

  5. Pluto: The Rainbow-Snow-Cone Planet with a (Charon) cherry on top.

  6. Man Very Early Made Jars Stand Up Nearly Perfect
    Pluto always was a planet and always will be, to sane people.

  7. Free Pluto? We can't even free ourselves from the corruption and greed, while always present to some extent, that now dominates all facets, all levels, of life here.

  8. Gondwana was a piker compared to Pangaea!

  9. I want summa dat free sheyit! Pluto or not gibs me!

  10. Free* Pluto!

    *With the purchase of a Pluto of equal or greater value. Must be redeemed during the same transaction. Not valid on Magrathea.
