Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Feeling The Bern

It's quite the news day today.
(LAS VEGAS)Sen. Bernie Sanders, 78, was hospitalized Tuesday night in Las Vegas.

  "During a campaign event yesterday evening, Sen. Sanders experienced some chest discomfort. Following medical evaluation and testing he was found to have a blockage in one artery and two stents were successfully inserted," said Sanders’ senior adviser Jeff Weaver on Wednesday in a statement.
Having a wee few decades in emergency medical care, let me let you in on a little piece of commonly-known information.

When you have "chest discomfort", and an artery in your heart is blocked to the point where you need two coronary arterial stents in the cath lab, there's a catchy phrase for that condition:

It's called a heart attack.

That is what the old communist bastard is suffering from, and that should end any further discussion of his viability as a candidate for president, henceforth, and ever.

A heart attack is Nature's way of telling you to knock that shit off.

We hope Sanders has the good sense to throw in the towel, and enjoy his few remaining years peacefully, at one of his multiple luxury mansions. This couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.


  1. I call " interference" with nature. I think Bern should get really MAD some more and let Destiny take it's course.

  2. Heh, actually I think both Clintons, Obama, Booker, Harris, Warren, Biden, etc. etc. are all equally, and in some cases even more, deserving of this "honor"!

  3. And he would NOT have survived this in a communist country due to the lack of medical care...

  4. NFO,

    Bernie may be an old man, but he is part of the Nomenklatura and would get the finest medical treatment available, even if he was in a Communist Hell Hole.

    If he was average sclub Bernie Ivanovich, he would get some aspirin and a sedative. Remember the plow horse, Admiral in "Animal Farm?" Communists look at old people as useless mouths. Commies would be happy to load the average old person in the trailer and send him to the knacker.

  5. With socialized medicine, Bernie would be put on a waiting list of maybe 6 months or so. But then, as a quote says, "socialism is not for the socialist." --Ron W

  6. Hey Aesop;

    Yep if Bernie had been anything other than a member of the "Inner Party", he would have been made comfortable and that would have been it. Can't have resources wasted on someone who's productive years are behind him.

  7. Anon @2 12:14. Did you mean the horse Boxer?

  8. I would invite Sanders to enjoy retirement in one of those socialist paradises he's spent his career touting.

    But I'm not that cruel.

  9. October 2, 2019 at 2:25 PM

    Yeah, Boxer. Thank you.

    I haven't read AF or 1984 since about 1984. After 1989, I thought that nightmare was over. Now I should read them again, because as others have said, "1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual!"

  10. Ike had his big one in the pre CABG era; Bill had his CABG after his presidency. Geriatric politics is a tough game for Bernard to play.

  11. The most stunning aspect of this story is Bernie does,indeed, HAVE a heart.
    That’s a rarity in a communist prick.

  12. I had a widow maker and coded in the ambulance.
    Would that be called "Extreme Chest Discomfort?"

    And BTW, EMTs are God's people. As are cardiac surgeons.
    They are thaumaturgists.

    It took me quite a while to attain a much reduced level of functionality.

    As an "Extreme Chest Discomfort" survivor I think Bernie should remain in the race to represent "Chest Discomfort" survivors everywhere. If he contributes to the discord for a while he has done something good.

  13. As an OR nursethat has assisted in placing quite a few stents in various places in the vascular system, I can verify Aesop’s assertions, the Bern had a heart attack.

  14. I have it on good authority that Comrade Chernenkyo's cold is getting better.

  15. Colds do get better when all the soft tissues in the nasal cavities have decomposed and disappeared: no more of their swelling to obstruct the nose, and no mucus glands for a runny nose.

  16. Consider that Bernie is the same age as Reagan when he LEFT office in 1989.

  17. As a former medic, I agree that he had a MI. They said he was doing fine after the procedure, but his campaign cancelled $1.7 million in ad buys for Iowa. That tells me he is not doing "fine." How much damage did his heart receive before intervention? How much of that damage is permanent?

  18. to Anon above (Communists look at old people as useless mouths). Spot on. Ezekiel Emmanuel's so called Complete Lives System, aka Reaper Curve, made this obvious as sunrise back in 2014. If you are too young you are worthless as well by his math. But I'm sure its yet another vast-alt-right conspiracy as it always is when the truth is spoken.
