Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Music: Bette Davis Eyes

Grammy-winning Record Of The Year/Song Of The Year in 1981, when Kim Carnes, at the peak of her career, croaked this gem to the top of the charts. Bette Davis, then 73, remarked at the Oscars that she was "an actress, not a song title", but later thanked the writers and singer for making her a part of modern history. After the Grammys, she sent them all flowers.

We're content to let this song just wash over us. We knew a girl like this, once.


  1. "...We knew a girl like this once..."

    Her name was Wendy. She played the trumpet with wild abandon in a dance joint up on '65. I'll always thank my friend for introducing us. And always be kicking myself for not marrying her when we talked about it.

  2. I thought she sounded like Rod Stewart when he did his standards album.

    I have fond memories associated with that Kim Carnes album...

  3. Good one, remember that time like it was yesterday.

  4. What I remember was this was one of the first music videos. I was enchanted with it.

    This is it albeit shortened

  5. What's sad is that this made me remember "She's got Marty Feldman Eyes" ...
