Monday, August 5, 2019


That right there.
Just that.


  1. there are Americans and there are amerikans. the differences between the two are insoluble. it would be much easier to separate this nation into parts, with all the verbal noise being made at such a notion ignored, rather than sink into a shooting war.

    those that so glibly annotate a new 'civil war' (as if the original was actually a CIVIL WAR) are ignorant beyond salvation. that does not mean such will not take place, but, if it does, will involve ALL in one way, or another.

    the elite and their soldiers stoking the fires of civil war think they will escape involvement and will be untouched. they want what never has been and never will be.

  2. "What if we just..." NO!
    "But, if you'd just be..." NO!
    "Everyone wants a reasonable..." NO DAMMIT!

    Neither the extremists on the left nor the extremists on the right fully understand the price that must be paid in blood if there is a third civil war (or third war for independence if you prefer)on this continent.

    There is a peaceful solution, however the left would never agree to let those of us who want to live in peace go without a fight. And, if by some miracle they did, eventually they would decide that invading and conquering is the "right" thing to do.

    1. You're not going to win the 2nd Civil War or a war for independence. What's the real reason you want to keep your guns?

    2. Have you spoken to IS? Or any Afghan tribesman? They appear to have missed the memo that they have been defeated.

      Beaten up, perhaps. But they still are there.

    3. @Reltney
      The Pashtun are a fascinating example of a politically resilient people. They fight with each other all the time, but when a non-Pashtun shows up looking to set up a new lot in the graveyard of empires, the Pashtun happily oblige. Tribal traditions, millennia old cultural forms, these have kept the going since long before guns were even invented. Dmitry Orlov does a fine job showcasing their strengths in his book Five Stages of Collapse.

  3. Disarmament is not open for discussion. Period.


    1. What is open for discussion? Because these shootings probably have to stop happening, yeah? For Texas sake, anyways, because most of the major shootings in the last decade have happened there.


  5. @TiredPoorHuddledMasses:
    Oklahoma bombing: 168 dead, 680 injured, 325 buildings damaged, 86 cars destroyed. $ 652 millions damages estimated.
    Weapons: Truck, fertilizer, solvent used in numerous different applications.
    Should we forego any of these because of Oklohama ?
    Since motor vehicles killed in 2016, 33,000 Americans should we forego motor vehicles ?
    Then why should guns be any different ?
    Re Texas shootings: The New York Times identified and analyzed 358 nationwide shootings with four or more casualties, drawing on two databases.
    Over all, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected ASSAILANTS whose race could be identified were black...
    Hispanics were not separately identified, because police reports do not systematically identify victims and suspects by ethnicity, only by race. (I assume they were therefore included in the White statistics.)
    This is from an article in the New York Times May 2016. Being NYT, the article is of course against guns. But the stats are interesting and useful when once again medias are bombarding people with the White supremacist stuff.

    1. @Marina
      "Weapons: Truck, fertilizer, solvent used in numerous different applications.
      Should we forego any of these because of Oklohama?"
      Not individually, no. The combination thereof should be noted, though. Same goes for cases of mental illness, guns and bullets. None of these should be forgone individually. But put them together and...

      "Since motor vehicles killed in 2016, 33,000 Americans should we forego motor vehicles?"

      Yes. Cars are stupid. Also they're bad for lungs and the planet in the long term. Next question.

      "Over all, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected ASSAILANTS whose race could be identified were black..."

      No argument here. We should be doing something about that gun violence too. It's sad that we care about the stats when it's one guy shooting a bunch of people, but the squeaky wheel gets the oil, as they say.

  6. @TiredPoorHuddledMasses:
    You should take a look at Baltimore, St.Louis, Cincinnati, Memphis, Detroit, etc crime rate.
    Crime rates per 100,000 people per year: Do a sort at the Total column for Violent crime.
    Places in Texas are a long way off.,000_people_per_year

    1. @Marina2
      Are we saying we try gun control in those places? It may make a dent in the numbers but there's a lot more going wrong in those places than people having easy access to guns. More systemic issues, if you will.

    2. Um, have you ever looked at the gun control laws in the above-mentioned places? Especially Chicago and Baltimore, versus number of shootings?

      Just repeat the mantra, "Diversity is our strength" wherein "diversity" equals "non-white."

    3. @anon
      Local gun laws don't work. They can just drive next door to the place with no gun laws. This has happened enough times that we can safely put that idea to bed. National gun laws are off the table as well, as some around here have informed me, so let's move on to other options. How about this one?

      Boston tried this in '95 and youth homicide dropped like a brick. The post office had a similar program in place when "going postal" was a real threat and not a punch line. If you ever wondered why letter carriers don't go postal anymore, you can thank the outreach officers they hired for every branch. Sounds like something worth exploring.

  7. I think TPHM is one of those leftards who went to college long enough to think he can psychoanalyze conservatives out of their "condition." Another statist thug in the making.

    1. @T-Rav

      Can you expand on those feelings?

      In all seriousness, I don't think there's anything wrong with conservatives. I do think ignoring a problem in favor of plugging your ears and going "lalala I'm not listening!" Is the opposite of helpful. No one should have their guns taken away for no reason. So, what then? Shootings gotta stop, right? Let's spit ball here. Bans are out, fine. How about incentivizing? Make an alternative to lax gun laws more appealing?

  8. The Dayton shooter was apparently an atheist. Why don't we make it illegal to express atheistic opinions? As long as we're violating one aspect of the Constitution, let's violate others as well.


    1. Don't worry, T-Rav, that part's coming. God Almighty it is coming, whether we like it or not.

  9. @TiredPoorHuddledMasses:
    Responding that YES we should forego cars altogether is sufficiently profoundly idiotic to simply not engage with the rest of your comments.

    1. @Marina
      Just because we disagree on cars doesn't mean we can't get engage. I'm sure you have an opinion I think is stupid but we can keep on keeping on.

  10. @TiredPoorHuddledMasses:
    I had forgotten to write the following:
    Your solutions are of course: More laws, more laws, more laws AND more laws.
    We're already living under tyranny, we don't want more of your totalitarian system.

    1. @Marina
      My solutions fall more along the lines of education and public outreach. No congressmen involved means no lobbyists getting in the way.

    2. Oh yeah sounds great and that will be coming out of your pocket right???

    3. @lineman
      If I say yes, you're probably going to think I'm trolling you. I mean, the government is already giving a lot of people and programs money for a lot of things so it's hard to imagine where it would come from. Where would you get the money for something you believed desperately needed to happen? (Like, I don't know, kicking gays out of the military or buying more cruise missiles for a holiday over in Iran?)
      Off the top of my head ( and this is just for funsies, not a serious option) is for the government to buy one (1) hedge fund in the name of the public good to fund it. You can even buy a shitty hedge fund from a Lib Wall Street type if it'll help you sleep at night. I'm sure there's a Silicon Valley unicorn start up we can get to "volunteer" for it. Even better. Then no tax payers are harmed except for the ones you don't like.

    4. See that's the thing I don't want government to give me a thing or do anything for me...If you weren't late to the party you would know that about most of us here...Do we think that gov is a necessary evil, for the most part yes but on a small local scale where your voice is still heard...If you are being honest about wanting solutions then look to the links at this site and Western rifle shooters site...Then get back to us...

    5. @lineman
      I know YOU don't want the government to give you anything, but not all conservatives are like you. Some conservatives like the corn subsidies the government gives them. Some like the government giving them federal aid after a natural disaster hits. On the other hand, some conservatives hate getting anything from the government so much that Red states get most of the Federal Dollar for relief and aid programs.
      But that's why I think going local and hitting the community outreach hard is a better solution in the long term. Again, no law makers getting involved in the process means no big money getting in the way of making our country great again. To my American ears, that sounds like a damn fine start.

  11. @Tired
    What is your purpose here and where did you come from???

    1. @lineman
      I'm here to participate in the national conversation. Why are you here?

    2. And you just stumbled on to this site by chance right...You trolls are all the same you really need to up your game...We have seen your kind drop by now and again and you all try to hide the fact that your just another troll out and about...You see we actually know one another at this site we sit down and break bread together and we don't care for trolls that come in and shit all over everything...Why am I here? I'm here to put a boot to your ass figuratively of course since your kind would never dare to come into the open...

    3. @lineman
      I can appreciate that... You gotta stomp trolls wherever you see them... It feels good if nothing else... Fuck the trolls...
      I actually did stumble across the site and I'm glad I did. Great stuff on preparedness and Ebola coverage.

    4. So is survivalblog, Western rifle shooters, zman , zerohedge, the gateway pundit, conservative treehouse, and a host of others...

  12. Mandate open carry and training.

    These will cease to occur.

    1. I agree. It works for the Swiss and it can work here. This is why we need to be more European. They solved mass shootings already!

    2. Anon your sarcasm needs a little work...They solved mass shootings did they??? LMAO

  13. "I'm here to participate in the national conversation...."

    Ah yes, "the national conversation." Liberal buzz-phrase #389475.

    Look dipwad, if you think we're here to have a "conversation" about giving up guns, you are sadly mistaken. Perhaps you need to re-read the link Aesop posted. Frankly, I'm looking at the state of my bank account to judge when I can easily buy one of those scary "AR-15 style" rifles that make you and your fellow conversationalists break out in hives. Go try a more gullible blog.

    1. @T-Rav
      No one's giving up their guns, let's be real. Also, ARs account for a small number of total gun deaths in America. Only pussies and liars think assault weapons bans will make a difference. Real men choose hand gun bans.
      Also also, if you buy an AR, make sure you get the 100 round drum for it. My friend sells decals that'll make it look like a big ol sack of nuts. Priceless!

  14. @Tired

    Here is your conversation:

    We're not going to give up our guns. You can't convince us, you are going to have to take them by force. If you do, we will shoot back, and we won't be shooting at the police, but at the people who sent them.

    Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

    1. I've been on this Earth long enough to know that we're not going to give up our guns. I'm not naive. I'm a pessimist, really. Wave a magic wand to make all the guns dissolve into pixie dust and the next day it's going to mass knivings. I get it. Laws aren't going to stop the sickness at the heart of this issue. And it is a sickness.
      I have a gun. I wouldn't be jazzed if a suit with a dump truck full of long arms showed up at my stoop. I get it. But I can't ignore this anymore. I can't pretend it's just about my 2nd amendment right. Keep your guns, I don't care. Call the number of mass shootings we're experiencing right now a rounding error. But I can't ignore the suffering. 31 people are dead in El Paso and all we can say is NO. Fine. I'm asking a different question now. Not whether we should give up our guns. Fondle them to your hearts content. But now what? Business as usual is over. Stasis is death. The world is changing. Society is changing. What worked for our dads and granddads is not working anymore. People are dying.
      Maybe as you read these words you're picturing a hysterical libtard pulling his hair out. No. I am stone cold, dead eyed staring at your rhetorical face and telling you this, all of this, isn't good enough anymore. I don't want to hold your hand and I sure as shit don't want to sing kumbaya. But I ain't stepping over the dead and going on my merry way. The libs aren't going to do it right. .Gov isn't going to not fuck it up. That leaves us. Ordinary Americans. Now what?

  15. 1) End Gun Free Zones.
    They're a death trap.

    2)National Shall Issue carry laws and reciprocity, all 50 states and 7 territories.
    All state laws restricting it pre-empted and moot, in perpetuity, as intended.

    We already know, time 40 states, that doesn't return us to the Wild West.

    And any solution that would trample the natural law rights of 330M living Americans, and generations yet unborn, because of their feels for 40 victims, or 4000, is still Hitler/Stalin/Mao/Castro/Pol Pot, all rolled up into one.
    Godwin be damned.

    History has an answer for trying that.

    Problem solved.
    Next question.

    1. I think is worth a shot as well.

      Did wonders for Boston and the Post Office made "going postal" a thing of the past with a similar program.

  16. Aesop, do you really think a National Reciprocity law will work? Do you expect every gun owner who wants to travel out of their state to give their fingerprints to the FBI? What about those of us who live in states where we have minimal restrictions and Constitutional carry?

    I for one will not respect or abide by any law that has not proven to be effective. Period.
    There is not one gun law or regulation out there that has prevented a crime. Ever.

  17. Ned,

    Did you have to give your fingerprints to the FBI to drive your car across state lines?

    Look up "full faith and credit" and get back to me.

    I said national reciprocity, not a federal CCW.

    Arizona, e.g., is a Constitutional Carry state.
    If you have an AZ DL or ID, you've got your CCW right there.
    One and done.

  18. Operation Ceasefire could be implemented without all the rigamarole. Just impeach all the judges who turn violent thugs loose, often without making them post a bond. Commit a white collar crime, that's serious prison time. Murder someone, you are out in 7 with good behavior. That's the main part of Ceasefire, as I read the blerb. Treat crime as if it were crime.

    I'm not talking imaginary crimes, like carrying a gun. That's a stupid idea, bound to escalate violence in any encounter with police. Only if you use it to commit a crime against others.

  19. "of mass shootings we're experiencing right now a rounding error. But I can't ignore the suffering. 31 people are dead..."

    31? Sheeeit...we can probably stuff 60 or more into a cattle car.... The white light at the end of the tunnel is a muzzle blast. You have no idea what a disarmed population will experience...unless you read history....

  20. If controlling the tool is what will work then when there is a serial rapist on the loose then all the men in that local should be forced to turn in their penises. No penis then no more rape. Makes as about as much sense as gun control.


  21. "Local gun laws don't work."

    -- Of course they "work"; the implementers are merely lying to you about the goal.

    If you think they're stupid (because it's not "working"), then it is *you* who is the mark getting taken.

  22. Reposted with H/T to you.
