Friday, August 16, 2019

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

It's like watching a new version of Highlander, but with retarded midgets competing.


  1. The "I can haz Socialism 2 !" party is just getting cranked up. CNN has the propaganda points already written and the questions of the debates already distributed to the favored candidates. They wanted to beat the last minute rush.

  2. I believe I'd rather wish all of them to remain on the roster of J@ckasses in the race. The more there are, the more unorganized they will be.

  3. When is Moochelle going to announce that (s)he's running?
    That would be so wonderful.

  4. I'm with John; the comedy and gaffes are entertaining with the "ensemble cast". The infighting has already exposed some fun stuff
    Boat Guy

  5. It's like watching a new version of Highlander, but with retarded midgets competing.

    There can be only one. Retarded midget, that is.
