Friday, August 16, 2019

How Do You Spell Fake News? : A-G-E-N-D-A

h/t Liberty's Torch

Conspicuous by its absence: Any mention of who commits crime disproportionately, who's soft on crime, or which party has run Philly (into the ground) for years.

Color me shocked.


  1. Interesting pun.......(your last sentence). ;)

  2. Of course not. Evil Whites are the only problem. Once they're gone, Paradise is sure to be here along with all the freebies promised for everyone. (sarcasm)

  3. unless something fits the preconceived and predetermined scenario loudly trumpeted in the 'press' (very loose term, that is), it will not be given the credence that a similar subject, involving all the lies put forth, will definitely be given.

    this is 'journalism' in amerika, ca 2019.

  4. Gateway Pundit reporting Philly shooter attended Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar mosque,known for preaching radical Wahabist doctrine.
    “The area where the shootings took place is known for trafficking in guns,drugs,and counterfeit items.This criminal market has a strong Islamist element that includes extremist gangs.”

    So,black,Islamist felon. Nope,nuthin’ to see here,folks.

    We now return to white supremacy.

  5. If you know Philly, you know this is not even the tip of the iceberg.

    The Philadelphia-Camden(NJ) metro area is rife. With what? With all of it.

  6. Agenda?

    NYT Editor is on tape telling his fellow journoliars they need to transition from Trump is a Russian Spy to Trump is a Racist.

    That is an Agenda!

  7. I have a racist 8-ball. I know it's racist because when I take the same premise as your article I get a variety of answers when it's turned upside down. Things like 'Chicago', 'Baltimore' and some others... Most puzzling.

  8. All of that is true but now the Philly police have a little 'splaining to do:

    "Law enforcement sources said police did not enter the house looking for Maurice Hill, but were instead executing a search warrant on a house they believed to be a drug stash, and decided to do a “safety sweep” of a nearby home they believed might be involved in the operation.

    Police had a search warrant for the purported stash house, at 3712 N. 15th St., but decided to secure the other home, 3716, after seeing what they believed might be drugs or weapons going into that home. They raided both houses almost simultaneously, sources said."

    Guess which house Maurice was in.

    Opie Odd

  9. When they decide to come for the guns they should remember that one guy in a bedroom held the entire Philly PD and a city hostage for hours. Imagine the seige that 10 guys could make on a city.

  10. Of course there is no media coverage! He is not a skin head, neo nazi, white supremacist, gun toting Trump supporter.

    Move along, nothing to see here.

  11. For a REALLY scary thought imagine Dorner X (fill in) simultaneously in several spots.
    It would be unsafe to leave your house.

  12. Ask yourself "Sure they didn't cover it, but is it 'news' or just everyday life in the hood?"

  13. "When they decide to come for the guns they should remember that one guy in a bedroom held the entire Philly PD and a city hostage for hours. Imagine the seige that 10 guys could make on a city."

    That only works when you are a member of a protected group.

    When you are not, they will point a SMG in your face and take a child out of your arms, use snipers to shoot a mom holding a baby, or bring in armor to burn all of you to the ground.

  14. IIRC Philly police do have a "history" of burning down en entire city block to get a bad guy - if they want ya bad enough................

  15. "The area where the shootings took place is known for trafficking in guns,drugs,and counterfeit items"

    ...Well, no sh* IS the ghetto. Can you be a little more specific?



    More of this please.

  18. This needs to stop.
