Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Well, well, lookie here...

h/t A Herd Of Turtles

If this is legit (and there's no reason to suspect otherwise), I point out as a historical note, there's no statute of limitations on getting every act of the ineligible imposter overturned as moot, not least of which because it would immediately open up two Supreme Court vacancies, and gut the federal bench of a lot of recently appointed deadwood, while overturning eight years of legislation, immediately.
(It would also overturn literal acres of any court decisions by those ineligible judges, but things are tough all over, especially when you perpetrate a fraud on an entire nation.) And "Barry" would probably have to flee somewhere for asylum from imprisonment.
Be still, my beating heart.

Moonbat tears would be available by the supertanker, and the howling would rupture dog eardrums on Neptune.

See what happens when you decide someone's "not my president", except you have a Constitutional and legal basis for saying it...?




  1. h Oh!! Please don't tease me! There was a very legitimate reason that SOB had all of his records sealed. I still say he has NEVER been a US citizen, was Never born in the US, and he & his controllers perpetrated the worst crime on this country by treason and fraud. Obama-Barry Sotero-is a liar and a manipulator. What can be done to UNSEAL those records?

  2. I love Photoshop too. Observe!

    Next we'll see deep fakes of Obama saying he's a Muslim and death to infidels. Won't that be a hoot?

  3. More proof:

    They can't hide the truth from us. Free your mind!

  4. I think the reason he had his records sealed were really bad grades, to be honest. I don't mean the occasional blowoff grade either, I mean all of them. I just look at how he lacks any eloquence without a teleprompter, and I'm pretty sure he's not as intelligent as the lefties keep going on about. If that ever got out well, he'd be embarrassed. So, seal 'em up.

    1. No kidding. I mean he was, what,late thirties when that photo was taken? Talk about a super senior. He was a state senator and still hadn't graduated college!

  5. Makes me feel old. I didn't realize, ahem, there was already such a prevalent use of bar codes on simple things like student ID's 37 years ago...

  6. Badger, there were bar codes ALL OVER in 78 and 79. Were y'all asleep? Or not old enough to remember?

  7. As much as I would love for this to be true.....I remain a bit skeptical.

    Note that this ID from '98 has the same serial number. Was a re-issue? Maybe, but it gives pause for a certain amount of caution due to the ability of photoshop these days.

    Somewhere Behind Enemy Lines
    Peoples Republik of Kommiefornistan

  8. The One chose to identify as a foreign student back in the day, then he decided to identify as American-born later on. How is that any crazier than deciding what your pronoun of the day will be? You haters.

    ** My pronouns of the day are xe and xir, except for when I am standing on one leg, at which time I am to be referred to as "its supreme majesty the great bird of the galaxy". That applies to everyone except conventionally attractive cis-women who must use the phrase "take me here and now, LoveGod!" **

    1. Stay strong, non conformer. Someday the haters will understand and you will get your wish!

  9. Do you have that dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?

  10. Socialists who attend Columbia all look alike to me, so its hard to tell if that's really BHO. :)

  11. There was plenty of proof prior to the 2008 election that Obama was not eligible to be POTUS. The DNC spent MILLIONS burying it and their media whores accomplices refused to cover the issue. The question of whether he was born in Hawaii or the British Protectorate Of East Africa (Kenya did not exist when he was born) is open to debate.
    However when his mother married his stepfather and moved to Indonesia in order for Barrack to attend school an lead by kin of normal life h would have been forced to give up any citizenship other than Indonesian and to convert to islam. By becoming n Indonesian citizen he would have been no longer eligible to hold the office....if he was ever eligible. That is why his ID's list him as a foreign students name Soetero.
    But the left doesn't care about legal, illegal, right, wrong or anything other than POWER. At this point it's irrelevant. There is no way in hell we are undoing he damage caused by his infestation of the White House.

  12. Let's get real. I do doubt that he was born in Kenya. Those African relatives that said he was could have been confused by the question, given that his father had the same name - could have been a poor translation.

    However, he WAS living in Indonesia as the child of a national. He likely traveled on an Indonesian passport as an adult (easier to get around in countries Americans weren't permitted to visit at that time). He likely DID pose as a foreign student, which would explain why he had to get foreigners to pay for his education - he would not have gotten federal aid, if he'd had a drug bust (there, I'm speculating, but - how likely is it that such a non-tough guy wasn't busted at least once for drugs? Lone wolves in the drug business don't last long).

    Drug bust expunged/hidden - could he have avoided a record by turning snitch? Passport records not available. School records not available. All questions answered, including why he went to those ends to hide everything.

    At the time he would have been caught with drugs, the DEA was eager to use low-level dealers to catch the higher-ups. Find out which gangs were operating around Occidental and Columbia, and you'll get some people eager to flip on him.

  13. Just Wondering...
    If there was a smidgen of data showing him to be a foreigner don't you think Hillary would have sung that from the highest mountain? After all, she wanted the top job and I can't believe she would have agreed to wait 8 years for "her turn" regardless of any dope deals that may have been offered to her...

  14. Who do you think it was that floated his non-citizenship in the first place in 2007-8?: Shrillary.

    You could look it up.

  15. That ID is a fake, just like his HI birth certificate.

    I don't think Obama is a citizen, and stuff like this doesn't help.

    McCain didn't pursue in 2008 b/c there were also questions about his citizenship status having been born in Panama. Posting link following in event it goes to spam.


    "In the most detailed examination yet of Senator John McCain’s eligibility to be president, a law professor at the University of Arizona has concluded that neither Mr. McCain’s birth in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone nor the fact that his parents were American citizens is enough to satisfy the constitutional requirement that the president must be a “natural-born citizen.”

    The analysis, by Prof. Gabriel J. Chin, focused on a 1937 law that has been largely overlooked in the debate over Mr. McCain’s eligibility to be president. The law conferred citizenship on children of American parents born in the Canal Zone after 1904, and it made John McCain a citizen just before his first birthday. But the law came too late, Professor Chin argued, to make Mr. McCain a natural-born citizen."
