Friday, November 2, 2018

The Early Years

h/t Kenny

She's gonna get her letter in the first draft.
Heaven help you all when she learns how to control flying monkeys.


  1. OT long but start at 07:58

  2. OH MY!!

    SOMEONE has developed a relationship with one of daddy's owls.

    NOT all that unusual if you have a falconer in the family, but, that kid has THE best body guard outside of a BIG STAFORDSHIRE BULL DOG, I can think of. Because that owl HAD TO [b]WANT[/b] to land on her hand. Remember that the owl is free to go anywhere he wants, and CHOSE to land on her hand. Think on that for just a bit. And consider second order realities of what you can see there.

    OH. MY. GOD!!!

    1. Right. Not unusual at all. You know, unless you have someone in your family with a super unusual and esoteric skill set, like a falconer. But everyone's got a falconer or two in their family, am I right?
