Saturday, October 6, 2018

It Was Worse Than A Crime, It Was A Blunder

h/t Theo Spark

Retire to oblivion, you bitter, stupid, criminal bitch.

(Unless we can arrange lodgings in Club Fed for your doddering years. Or you elect to simply retire to your bath, do the honorable thing once in your pathetic and wasted life, and simply slit your wrists. In which case I'll gladly donate the obligatory straight razor.)


  1. Oooo Ooooo! Can I donate one too?

    Personally, I think she should take a Wakisashi and commit seppuku the old fashioned way. As her second, I will conveniently "miss" with my decapitation stroke and let her suffer for awhile...

  2. Di, darling, please remember, cut down. Not across.

  3. If she retires Gov Moonbeam will replace her with someone just as much a socialist.
    Are there no Republicans in California who can run and have a real chance of beating her (or her socialist replacement)?

  4. June J.....Unfortunately out here in Kommiefornia the Demonrat controlled State houses have set it up so that the primary elections are a winner take all for 1st and 2nd place to have a run off in the main event. Currently we have Swinestein and De Leon, both dems running against each other. Unfortunately, De Leon is worse than Fineswine. I may just vote for him anyway because of her antics in the Kavenaugh crucifixion attempt just to spite her.

    Somewhere Behind Enemy Lines
    Peoples Republik of Kommiefornistan

  5. One of the really astounding (and no I'm NOT really surprised) bits of information about our dear Senator from Cali was the one days worth of MSM news about her Chinese spy driver and NOTHING HAPPENS to anyone who investigated (was this person vetted by the FBI or Secret Service) this person's background. What do we here about it? Like I said one days worth of news on this from the MSM. I'm now wondering if all of this hoopla generated by the Dim's over Kavenaugh wasn't a distraction from putting more focus on the dear Senator and her "driver".

    1. More like a twofer. Preventing Kavenaugh's confirmation would have been a big win, but the distraction was useful as you suggest. Still wouldn't have been possible sans a craven, complicit media who memory hole everything detrimental to Democrats.

  6. She looks like her hemorrhoids hurt, and I wish her the need for a lifetime supply of Preparation H. _revjen45

  7. She's a criminal, knows she is a criminal, knows her staff is filled with criminals, and everyone in the Senate knows she's a criminal. That's what's pissing everyone off, they know that's what's pissing everyone off, and they should be losing sleep over impending criminal trials.
