Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Florida House Strangles Gun Ban

h/t to Gun Free Zone

Not even close, 71-36, with 13 not voting.
No FL (R)s voted to even give the bill a hearing. It's DOA there.
Hopefully the FL state senate will do the same, and shut the leftards up.

Let the howling and pants-wetting on the Left begin!


  1. The Second Amendment the only part United States Constitution where someone get to say that it does not cover you, if they do not like it - Gun Free Zones.

  2. Politician are protective by guns .
    The family Politician are protective by guns.
    The money Politician is protective by guns.
    The homes Politician are protective by guns.
    The work place of Politician are protective by guns.

    Movie Stars are protective by guns .
    The family Movie Stars are protective by guns.
    The money Movie Stars is protective by guns.
    The homes Movie Stars are protective by guns.
    The work place of Politician are protective by guns.

    TV Stars are protective by guns .
    The family TV Stars are protective by guns.
    The money TV Stars protective by guns.
    The homes TV Stars are protective by guns.
    The work place of TV Stars are protective by guns.

    Music Stars are protective by guns .
    The family Music Stars are protective by guns.
    The money Music Stars is protective by guns.
    The homes Music Stars are protective by guns.
    The work place of Music Stars are protective by guns.

    News Media Owners are protective by guns .
    The family News Media Owners are protective by guns.
    The money News Media Owners is protective by guns.
    The homes News Media Owners are protective by guns.
    The work place of News Media Owners are protective by guns.

    Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns .
    The family Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns.
    The money Tech Companies Owners is protective by guns.
    The homes Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns.
    The work place of Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns.

    But if you say "I want our Children protective by guns"
    Why do these same people call you Evil?
    It's not that they don't want anyone to have gun.
    It's that they don't want you to have them.
    Their self, their friends, their family and their guards (when guarding them, their friends, their family and their money) are fine.

  3. Well...guess my cynicism goes unrequited for once. Glad to see it.
    Still... "Eternal Vigilance..."
