Monday, September 4, 2017

Here's Your Multi-Day Warning Message

                                (This embiggens.)

Read it.
Heed it.
Don't be a dipshit.
Not a single fuck shall be given for slackers and snowflakes.
(The US V.I. and PR are about to get hammered. Then FL. Then...??)

FL Hurricane warning/SOE msg:
Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency in all of Florida’s 67 counties in response to Hurricane Irma Monday. The governor wants to ensure local governments have ample time, resources, and flexibility to get prepared.
“Hurricane Irma is a major and life-threatening storm and Florida must be prepared,” said Governor Scott. “I have continued to be briefed by the Florida Division of Emergency Management on Hurricane Irma and current forecast models have Florida in Irma’s path – potentially impacting millions of Floridians.
Today, given these forecasts and the intensity of this storm, I have declared a state of emergency for every county in Florida to make certain that state, federal and local governments are able to work together and make sure resources are dispersed to local communities as we get prepared for this storm.
And the downstream Cone Of Uncertainty for Irma stretches from Houston TX to Wilmington NC. It's isn't going to disappear magically after it hits the FL Keys. Please, get your shit together ASAP if you're in the downstream (those of you not already bailing out from Harvey, anyways).

Those folks sent in an update of their own:

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