Thursday, July 4, 2024

Goose, Meet Sauce

Many of you have seen this douchebadge online recently:

Captured widely before he deleted it.

Seems Matt thinks the internet works only one way. Pisser.

So I had a little look around. !!!


Meet Matt Croyle. He is an elected official in Pennsylvania. Even worse, he’s a state constable. After being exposed for posting threatening messages about Trump supporters, he deleted his X account. I went to his Facebook, where he’s still active, & found a post where he wished an assassination attempt against Trump. I did some more digging & it appears he’s a fan of democrat Governor Shapiro, too. Spoke with the Pennsylvania Constable office & the Oil City Police Department, as well as sent an email w/ the threatening messages. Perhaps, he deserves a Secret Service visit, too. It would be a shame if this went viral.

Yes, that's all correct. it turns out that Matthew J. Croyle, 47, of Oil City PA was elected to a 6-year term as a state constable, from Ward 1 in Oil City, PA, last December 27. Which is a badged-and-sworn LEO elected job with some rather oddball quasi-police duties in PA. 

Bonus factoid: Once you explore PA constables, now you know where the Keystone Kops comedy trope idea came from.


But wait! there's more!

Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.

I'm sure this is just the sort of thing local, state, and federal officials, not to mention all the local and regional papers, would like to know about Mr. Croyle, and just the sort of behavior they and the citizenry encourage in elected state officials.

I think it's also pretty clear who the pissed-off far-left whackadoodle is in this episode.

For the reader's reference:

PA Criminal Code §2706: Terroristic threats


State Of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office

16th floor, Strawberry Square

Harrisburg, PA 17120

Main Office number: (717) 787-3391

PA AG contact website

BTW, tomorrow is a work day for them.

Venango County PA

Shawn White

District Attorney

P.O. Box 831

Franklin, PA 16323

(814) 432-9598

D.A. website

Oil City PA

Chief of Police David Ragon OCPD main number (814) 678-3080

They even have a "Report a Crime" button on their website.

City Manager Mark G. Schroyer, the Mayor, and the City Council might also like a heads-up re: "Constable" Croyle.

Mgr. Schroyer can be contacted at (814) 678-3012.

He has a web page as well.

Just a wild hunch, but I'm sure the local, county, and state officials in that part of Pennsylvania (Venango County, PA: 58% Republican) would loooooove to read all about what an unhinged lunatic the folks of Oil City have elected as a State Constable, and what sort of nutjobbery he's been up to online this week.

That's before any reports to the Secret Service. Right?

I'm sure those folks will fall about the place laughing, knowing that a badged and sworn PA state LEO thinks whackadoodles taking potshots at former presidents and current presidential candidates is amusing. Because they're so well-known for their love of that kind of knee-slapping hijinks.

United States Secret Service contact website

Be a good citizen.

They might think it's a good idea to have a sit-down convo with Mr. Croyle every time President Trump drops into the Keystone State between now and November. It's a battleground state, so Mr. Croyle may become an awfully popular fellow for the feds to have chats with this summer and fall.

BTW, the Wikipedia page for PA State Constables has a lengthy list of the recent former ones thrown out of office for various crimes and misdeeds. Imagine that.

There may be good cause for a Red Flag order too. Croyle sounds a wee bit unhinged. Stranger things have happened.

Feel free to contact the local newspapers and TV stations in nearby Pittsburgh:




There's also the ABC affiliate in Erie, PA.

Maybe Friday is a slow news day for some of them.

Let's hope Mr. Croyle enjoys his covfefe as much as his coffee, and has an interesting month or two.

BTW, if you imagine me struggling to stay upright in my chair as I typed this, while convulsing in laughter, you wouldn't be too far off the mark.


  1. Aesop, EPIC TROLL!

    Uda man!


  2. What a nice Independence Day thing to encounter! Excellent work....

  3. the left wants the right to shut up.

    the right wants the left to keep talking.

    the left inevitably descends into murder fantasies.

  4. Beautiful. On it! Best Independence day fireworks ever! With Love, Media, Pa 19063

  5. Absolutely nothing will happen to least nothing legal and official. Remember....the lefts motto is real. "Rules are for thee, never for me".

  6. B.C. (The Older, Sexier One)July 4, 2024 at 1:24 PM

    You know that you might have hurt his/her/xi/xang/themz's feewings with this post, right? 🤣

  7. There's a *lot* of that online, all actionable if you or I said it. What are the odds that any action will be taken?

  8. I sincerely hope they have got the right man...

    Grey Fox

  9. That's a nice piece of citizen journalism. Thanks for the post and the effort.

    I expect more unhinged wackos expressing themselves as the panic builds into November. The Internet is forever.

  10. Bypass the middle man and go directly to the SS. They are less forgiving for this kind of BS whether jest or actual.

  11. The main reason for the feds is

    a) because he's now a legitimate presidential threat
    b) because he'll now be on half a dozen watch lists for life
    c) because it may force him to take Amtrak and Greyhound for the rest of his adult life.

    The state officialdom can merely kick him out of office, take away his guns and block all legal firearms sales for cause, hang a state-level conviction on him, make him unelectable and a laughingstock in a town of <10K people in Penntucky, and show him for the screw-loose murderous Leftard whackadoodle he thinks he's not, while forcing him to get a paying job that doesn't involve sucking on the public teat.

    It's hard to pick which set of outcomes I like better.
    But it should make him hosting the Oil City film festival next year a lot funnier -- for everyone else who points at him and giggles.

    Some days, I love this gig.

  12. Another one of those "atypical pronoun" types. :rolleyes:
