Friday, July 5, 2024

Day Seven: WhoTF Is Running The Country?!?

This issue isn't going away. And Biden isn't going to hang on. 

The drums just get louder and louder, and the three days up the holiday did nothing to assuage that.

And if the Congress doesn't start getting answers, we're looking at 24/7/365 televised hearings, subpoenas, indictments, impeachments, and referrals for prosecution. And as indicated, they'll be starting with the AG, the head of the FBI, and other Cabinet members.

This is heading to a point where either federal Marshals start doing raids and kicking in office doors, or troops start surrounding D.C.

All that's left now is for someone to fly over the White House and spell out "Surrender, Poopypants".

Bonus: VDH interview from before the debate.


  1. All that's left now is for someone to fly over the White House and spell out "Surrender, Poopypants".

    That will become the defining quote about the Biden years.

    Well said sir!

  2. Biden will be replaced. The deal is to drag it out as long as possible, allowing him to continue taking the heat from both sides for the situation in the Middle East.

    The Democrats want (need!) both the Jewish and the Muslim vote.

    His replacement, once announced, will steadfastly refuse to comment on the conflict, citing preoccupation with the election campaign.

  3. Not competent to stand trial . . .

  4. We don't do overflights down in the Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy - it's FAA restricted airspace, and a good way to get shot down by the Coast Guard - they fly Eurocopter MH-65 Dolphins with a gunner or two armed with an M249 (for ripping apart small planes) and a Barrett Light .50 (for disabling aircraft engines or leaving large smoking holes in shit).,_D.C.,_Special_Flight_Rules_Area

    Fun story: I may have actually spurred the decision to use them. Some moron in a small plane with a broken radio wandered into DC airspace during the Anthrax Scare post 9-11 when I was working downtown, and the Air Force intercepted it with an F-16, while I was working downtown.

    I immediately emailed the idiots and reminded them of the facts that: the TOP speed of a Cessna 172 is about 100 knots slower than the STALL speed of an F-16... the 4th Rule of Gun Safety applies to attacking aircraft... and that using a 20mm gatling cannon against a Cessna is like using a howitzer against a can of Sprite.

    I also pointed out that there were thousands of politically-connected assholes downrange in that airspace, who wouldn't appreciate getting a short burst of twenty mike-mike through their office or apartment while they're getting BJ's from Congressweasels, and might get a bit miffed about "overkill". Not that _I_ would have minded a few of those crooked fucks getting hosed, but since MY ass was also downrange, I figured I'd drop them a line...

    The Air Force still flies the F-16s on combat patrol, but the Coast Guard Dolphins do the intercepts for intruding small planes... and they made the change about a year after my email. No official credit was given, but they parked a Dolphin over my house about a hundred feet up one night, so I guess the message was received. Semper Paratus, boys!

    Also, just FYI, you don't need to sky-write it to get the message out here. Just paint it on "Surrender Dorothy Bridge" over the north end of the I-495 Beltway in MD between 95 and 270, close to the Mormon Temple. The last good graffiti I saw painted on it read "Hunter Hidin'" after the Hunter guns and drugs scandal first broke. Stayed up for weeks... ;),-77.0587982,678m/

    Not that I'm suggesting that anyone do anything mischievous and illegal in the name of free speech, of course, oh, no, I would never suggest that...
