Monday, July 1, 2024

Calling Captain Obvious

Exactly as Stevie Wonder could see even from space, the drumbeat of calls for Sen. Kneepads to convene the Cabinet and declare Emperor Poopypants mentally unfit to warm the chair in the Oval Office grows by the minute. Speaker Of the House Johnson wasn't shy at all Friday in saying that

if he were in Biden's Cabinet, "I would be having that discussion with my colleagues at the Cabinet level."
I wouldn't want to get overconfident, but it seems like, with the prospect of a Cornucopia Of Payback for Watergate in the wind, the Squish Party may have - finally, at long last - found its spinal column and testicles. Mirabile dictu!

From here on out, that drumbeat becomes a cacophony. All the Speaker has to do is shut down the Congress, at his sole discretion, indefinitely, and it's not a matter of if, but when.

No legislation. No floor debates. No ancillary business. No subcommittee meetings. No appropriations. No judicial or executive appointments. 80:20 the Speaker has the House sergeant at arms and Capitol Police hold the members on the premises for quorum calls indefinitely.

And the one thing the Republican majority House is guaranteed to do, and sooner rather than later, is start holding public hearings, after subpoenaing everyone in the Executive branch, about what they knew about Poopypants' profound mental incapacity, when they knew it, and who orchestrated covering up his condition. (And let's be serious: this was obvious to everyone but the In-The-Tank-For-The-2020-Coup crowd, in and out of government, for years now.)

The second-day hearing will be the public waterboardings of the entire Joint Chiefs Of Staff of the military branches, asking why or why not they have or haven't quietly replaced the nuclear football that's never more than two steps from any POTUS, and replaced the contents with coloring books and crayons.

If they say they have, they effectively ratify his incompetence, and admit to holding a soft coup themselves.

If they say they haven't, they admit their own incompetence and manifest unfitness for high command.

Having a few US Marshals standing by during their testimony with pre-filled out contempt of Congress citations and referrals for treason would probably do wonders for their collective candor and recollection. 

In any event, that question-and-answer session is going to be a fire-and-brimstone debacle of biblical proportions, followed inevitably by the most searing come-to-Jesus confessions from anytime since the Civil War.

Either way, it will be scorched earth, and Dementia Joe will be on a BBQ spit the entire time.

The meetings on government oversight on Day Three will be who, to the last detail, has been making executive decisions, and since when, starting five seconds after Biden's inauguration.

There will be a stack of blank arrest warrants for that one, ready to be referred to the US Attorney for Washington DC, who's going to either become the busiest man in DC, or the first one strung up for treason.

At that point, in the memorable words of Don Henley, "somebody's going to emergency, somebody's going to jail", and in a New York minute.

Stock up on frosty beverages and popcorn.

And depending on what one unelected black-robed jackass in NYFC thinks he can do next week, you might want to check your inventory of olive drab cans.

This is the kind of thing where, historically, countries go pear-shaped out of nowhere, and then everywhere.


  1. Sadly, soh Johnson is on board. He voted to fund the insanity. Not just allowed the vote, but voted for it. So did my congresscritter Jim Jordan.
    Conservative my ass

  2. Somehow, I suspect there will be a Ceausesecu moment in the not so distant future.
    Everything is fine, fine, fine, oh sh*t.
    John in Indy

    1. His last public speech is still on youtube, in two parts, and it is worthy of watching

  3. As an ole line in Gordon Lightfoot's 'Sundown', "... When I feel like I'm winnin' when I'm losin' again." might apply. It would be raucous fun to watch the SES level Dims on a Congressional BBQ spit. But don't be too cocky as the old saying goes.

    There is of course the alternative, force DiaperMan out into the public. We could be close to that already. I mean jeez, +1 for DJT in friggin' New Jersey? That was +20 for DiaperMan in 2020? Swing PA, VA to the red and NY contestable would flush Joe out. The more the public see he is incapacitated the better the results.

    The Dims have no choice but to run with what they got. Per FEC rules if Joe drops out does not mean that his war chest goes to the new nominee. At the Dim convention at least in the first round the delegates are committed unless released. Oh and there are several states based on their election bylaws that any new entrant would not be on the ballot. (well until horse heads end up in beds...)

    The Dims strategized themselves into a corner of their own making.

  4. The Squish Party is likely to squish again as since the day Craig Livingstone accidentally left the FBI files on every deadbeat in the swamp in Hillary's closet and some of it got revealed during the Clinton impeachment, no one in the GOP has done more than lip service in doing unto Democrats what Democrats would do unto them. Harumph! Harumph! That's not who We are.

  5. I'm torn - I'm tempted to think that making them sort it out is good optically, but forcing them to pick RIGHT NOW and put KToe into office might paint them into a corner with her.

  6. This isn't fiction.... it's fantasy. Nothing is going to happen. Absolutely nothing. Barring Pedo Joe's unexpected death HE will be the candidate on this November ballot. And at least one third of the electorate will vote for him. The cheat machine will then manufacturer as many fraudulent ballots as required to insure the puppet in chief us still the left's figurehead/scapegoat. If voting actually mattered it would be illegal.

  7. I like your plan.

    Monday has passed. There is no sign that the Republicans are organizing any of the actions that you describe. They are called "The Stupid Party" for good reasons.

    Their political survival, and even their personal survival depends on doing everything you suggest, but they aren't doing it. The Democrats don't want them hang around any longer and have essentially criminalized opposition. This goes badly at the end.

    It's hard on people when they find that rules are shifting sand under their feet.

    Tuesday is still open for somebody to do something.

  8. Speaking of Ceausesecu moment, didn't ol' Nicolae get interrupted/distracted during his last public speech? Whereupon, his "frightful" wife (not my description) stepped up to the mike, and scolded the audience to be quiet, her very-important-husband was talking?

    Kinda like this sceeching harpy, err, Joe's wife.

    The video didn't show who/what was the distraction, cuz its Nicolae, but...

    This was supposedly followed by a short helicopter ride, and a day or two later, IIRC, an award ceremony for those two, in front of a stone wall.

    It is to hope, perchance to dream.


  9. I'm sure they're going to give the Cabinet some slack to take action.
    A few days to a week or two.

    After that, if they do nothing, BOTH parties own Biden, and anything that goes pear-shaped from here on out.

    Anybody, make the case for leaving a functional moron in control of the military, nuclear weapons launch authority, and executive branch decisions.

    Tell me how that's wise and prudent.
    Show your work.

    If the Retarded Party doesn't find their balls on this one, and sooner than later, we're back to Clown World, and a Banana Republic.

  10. Glacialhills@netzero.comJuly 1, 2024 at 11:26 PM

    I need someone to go back and git a shitload of dimes

  11. Who or whom ever has been running and making the executive decisions thinks the way things have been running have been great. The puppet show we have all watched is the

    " NEW WAY "
    government will be run. Didn't, you get the memo? You have heard the saying a good prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich? We have just been through 3 greasy years of Joe~ his hammyness. They will say see No more nuclear football to fumble, no more 3am phone calls to worry about answering. Once we have a dozen or so supreme court judges to save our democracy plus a few more states with a few hand picked conmen, I Die Gress
    Oh,And,then it will run like a fine oiled machine.....gun.

  12. @Aesop

    Ha, ha, ha, that's a good one. Are you actually suggesting that Biden the marionette is "in control of the military, nuclear weapons launch authority, and executive branch decisions."

    This is a guy who can't even control his bowels. It seems obvious that others are in charge.

  13. After the amazing speech the teleprompter caused the pReisent to read last night on the matter of a President (not him of course) being "above the law" and capable of becoming a dictator (OMG!), one has to consider if his own cabal is shoving the Fairbairn-Sykes into his back or not.

    That said, I am of the opinion that the Bai Den Joe family (HT to Mao Xi Dong) is so effing self centered and paid for by furriners that they will not concede to anyone that he is not running.

    As I don't see any of the stablishment R party growing either a spine or balls within the next 4 months, oh well.

    Popcorn indeed.

  14. @Henry,

    Which is the related $64T question: Since Joe can't even control his bowels, WhoTF is running this sh*tshow?

    Followed by "When can we start trying and hanging them in batches?"

  15. Sy Hersh did a good number with this one last week, spilled the beans as to who (besides the Tribe) has had the run of the place. Hunter riding herd inside cabinet meetings w/o security clearance suggests he's in his old man's face loudly whispering "Pardon, Dad! FFS, Pardon, Dad!"

    Anyway, here's the Hersh piece, fairly short, and not behind the usual paywall:

  16. Something will happen. In two weeks and it will be a nothingburger. Every. Single. Motherfucker. In gov is corrupt to the core. We must lynch millions, ergo, two more weeks and all that
