Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Biden's Poll Numbers Now In Freefall

h/t Common Cents blog

ABCNNBCBS have decoupled themselves from Poopypants, and are (slowly) announcing they won't follow him over the cliff. Because they've got their wetted fingers in the air, and they can see the flags are all blowing the other way now.

This is what happens when the media sees the end game, stops carrying your water, and will no longer sell your delusional brand. Because they know Joe Average has eyeballs, and 200M people have seen with their own eyes that the Emperor has no clothes.

Ignore the "He's not going anywhere" B.S. That's just whistling past the graveyard.

Biden's got one foot on a skateboard, and the other on a banana peel, and he's standing on a 3" wide ledge, 200' up a cliff. And every reporter knows it, no matter what the idiots at the White House say.

Trump could bang Stormy Daniels live on stage at the next debate, and Joe's chances still wouldn't recover.

NYT/WSJ/CNN all have Trump leading by 6 points over Poopypants, and the collective Leftard-o-sphere is shitting their pants just like Joe. They all know what happens to the last 4 years of hokum and criminality literally the minute Bad Orange Man gets sworn in next January.

The fall is going to be epic. If the state-by-state numbers hold, this could turn into one of the biggest electoral smackdowns in American history. It couldn't happen to a more deserving Fraudulent Selectee. Stolen elections have consequences.

FedEx-Kinko's doesn't have enough copy machines to print the ballots to save Poopypants' bacon this time, and if they try ballots, they may very well get bullets in reply this time.


The tell will be when Cabinet-level and other senior administration officials decide to "retire to spend more time with the family" in order to distance themselves from this regime, and position themselves for those Sunday morning talking heads honorariums and boards of directors slots. Before the subpoenas and indictments start flying.


  1. It does not matter, sir. When the time is right, the forces of darkness will orchestrate the mother of all false flags to cancel the election, declare a bank holiday, martial law, travel restrictions, and curfews. The sheeple, normies, cucks, Mall Zombies, FEDGOV remoras, Karens, and Beta Males will fall right into line. "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." - H/T to H.L. Mencken. Bleib ubrig. - DTW.

  2. I am cautiously hopeful, but I'll believe it when I see it.
    I'm surprised we haven't seen more cabinet members leave; it may be they chose people they have dirt on so they won't leave...

  3. Since when did polls and polling results actually matter.
