Monday, June 24, 2024

That's Raycisssssssssss!


  1. That's Black and Indigenous Phosphorus of Color, (BIPOC), thank you.

  2. Only for the phosphorous manufactured in the immediate Washington D.C. region.

    Everywhere else, it's just sparkling flaming bullshit. :)

  3. Oh man. "It's OK to be white". You truly are a bad, bad motherfucker. I just spit my red wine over my fireplace (it's winter here in Australia).

    That may be the wickedest thing I have ever seen on the internet, and I've been here since before it was the internet. I hope you don't mind if I steal that meme and send it all my wrinkly old ex-grunt mates.

  4. Hopefully Hamas finds out that napalm sticks to kids, too.
