Saturday, June 22, 2024

NASA Has A Cunning Plan: Achievement Unlocked


  1. Yeah, but I think Boeing would have a hard time proving the resale value. $20 of damage would total the Boeing capsule.

  2. Boeing spent 16 years and untold BILLIONS developing a thing they named "Starliner" which is in effect a larger, modernized(mostly updated electronic systems) Apollo space capsule. They apparently scrimped on ground testing. Otherwise how did all of the leaks etc develop? Someone forget to tighten a fitting to spec in the helium system or did they not account for o-ring shrinkage AGAIN in the cold confines of space?

    I don't know about anyone else but when I hear "starliner", I picture a vehicle that looks remarkably similar to Musk's "Starship", not some oversized gumdrop that looks like it can't get out of its own way.

    Then that smarmy COO goes before CONgress and lies his way through the hearing. Tells them he's going to retire at the end of the year. Why not now in disgrace? Well it's not REALLY his fault that his planes killed a bunch of people a couple years ago and so his stock options fully vest(that's something CONgress well understands). Then he can retire to some gated millionaires conclave with a clear conscience, instead of taking two to the back of the head like his former employee did. You know, the guy that suicided during lunch break while giving his whistle blower deposition.

    But hey Epstein killed himself. Right? RIGHT?

