Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Michael's Long Overdue Departure On The Short Bus - At Last!

"You talk big. You talk sedition. However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than immediate violence. Great! Then what? Does everyone become a war lord? How does this work?

I know that what we have isn't perfect. I know what we have has been corrupted. Changes need to happen and they cannot happen soon enough. However, until there is a plan on how to progress from war to peace and someone that knows how to lead in both war and peace, you're just spitting into the wind and if you're lucky, you're stacking up bodies. That's about one of the dumbest plan, non plans, I have ever heard of." 

You talk big. You talk sedition.

I've done no such thing. In fact, you have touched on so little of anything I actually said, it begs the assumption that you never read any of it, and this was simply you shaking out your diaper spackle according to the voices in your own head. Prove me wrong: go to the post which lit the fuse on your tampon, and pull the quotes that support your farcical contentions.

You can't, because it never happened. QED

However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than immediate violence. Great! Then what? Does everyone become a war lord? How does this work?

At this point, your reading comprehension is so much a question leading to the irrefutable conclusion that you haven't read anything, further blather from you only underscores the likelihood. Quotes and links, or it never happened, and we're back to merely dealing with your delusions. AGAIN. You need help. This is not your therapist's office.

I know that what we have isn't perfect. I know that what we have is corrupted. Changes need to happen and they cannot happen soon enough.

Boilerplate bullshit for the Bubbas. What we had wasn't perfect 257 years ago, on Day One. It was far past corrupted by the turn of the previous century. What we have now is so far from fucked, you can't even see FUBAR in the rear view mirror with a telescope. So quit soft-peddling the absolute descent into Banana Republic farce as "not perfect". It's a rotten, moldering corpse on a hot day in the sun, with a smell so pungent it could knock buzzards off a gut wagon at 100 yards, and you'd have to soak it in Listerine, Betadine, and Lysol for a week just to get a decent maggot to think about putting on a bib to dine on it.

And if changes need to happen, and cannot happen soon enough, the last thing any intellectual lightweight like you should be doing is sitting there with his fingers in both ears up to the palm, and his head so far up his own ass he could see out his bellybutton, sitting there like a baby in shit with his pudding smeared all over his face and a dipshit grin, proud of his latest accomplishment in baby-hood.

However, until there is a plan on how to progress from war to peace and someone to lead in both war and peace, you're just spitting into the wind, and if you're lucky, you're stacking up bodies.

1) What was the plan on July 5th, 1776, for moving from war to peace? Show your work, and link your references.

2) What was the same plan on April 16th, 1861. Show your work, and link your references.

3) What was that plan on April 5th, 1917. Show your work, and link to your references.

4) What was that plan on December 8th, 1941? Show your work, and link all your references.

Because Stevie Wonder can see from space, at night, that you aren't the brightest light on the Christmas tree, so if you can think of something so obviously important, needful, sensible, and indispensable, there must be copious examples from our own history you could point to in mere mouseclicks, right? RIGHT?? Michael? Anyone? Anyone...???


Well, shit howdy, boy, looks like you all you did there was change which cleated foot is stomping on your jangly bits, didn't ya? Let's help you out on this, and call in some expert testimony.

Having studied the topic diligently and at length, we can call such maxims from memory in moments, and apply them practically in real time; but being a thoroughgoing idiot yourself, you can be forgiven for such words and concepts being entirely alien to your thinking (we use the term loosely).

That's about one of the dumbest plan, non plans, I have ever heard of.

Entire libraries are full of the things of which you have never heard, so your unfamiliarity with it is not a particularly withering sobriquet of derision.

"Call me a coward or whatever name you want. Tease me about voting moar harder. Warn me again about how we will all be fed into box cars and taken to the prison camps to be shot or burned. If that's what you think is going to happen, you really don't have a clue about what a Civil War is."

As you wish:

You're a coward. An idiot. A moron. A fucktard. A gross ignoramus with delusions of intelligence. It isn't true because I said it, it's true because everything you wrote demonstrates it, beyond all argument. You're just about bright enough to vote moar harder! And then you'll be shocked! Shocked, I say! when it doesn't solve the plethora of problems coming at you. You'll be rounded up, shot on sight, or, if you're "lucky", loaded into box cars, taken to a concentration camp, brow-beaten into submission, starved, worked to death, and then actually beaten, until you eventually die or are killed as another useless eater, unworthy of even life itself, and all the while you'll be waiting for the day you can write a sternly-worded letter of complaint to your congressweasel for the outrage.

Like happens after every Leftard communist coup since ever, which is exactly what they've been telling you in plain English they want to do to you for literally YEARS.

Time to bring out another expert to enlighten you:

If that's what you think is going to happen, you really don't have a clue about what Civil War is.

If that's what you think ISN'T going to happen, you don't have a clue about what Civil War is.

You wasted an entire essay illustrating in glorious technicolor your ignorance and delusions, and you think at the end of that, anyone is looking at you as anything but an object lesson in "Don't Be THAT Guy"?!?

Best wishes with that plan, knucklehead. Thanks for phoning in your take from the left end of the IQ bell curve.

"What you have ain't a plan. It's a wish and a hope and tough talk. You have no clear vision of where you're going and you want everyone to follow.

Hard Pass "General"."

Since it sailed right over your head (having it permanently implanted up your ass to the shoulders for years and years will do that), what I wrote was never intended as a plan, never advertised as a plan, never attempted to BE a plan. The wish was that it might, finally, with President Trump - the leading opposition candidate to the regime in power now on the edge of a farcical and unprecedented jail sentence that could conceivably "accidentally" result in his death - get even the most thick-headed moron, like yourself, to stop being one, get off their ass, pull their head out of it, and induce them to start doing the basic, sensible, common sense things that any jackass could see as needful, all on their own, by themselves, simply because they possessed the barest and most basic instinct for self-preservation, and weren't afflicted with a terminal case of Shit For Brains.

I asked no one to follow me in any way, shape, or form, nor elected myself the leader of anyone with that, nor any other, effort.

So you may continue in your 80-IQ delusions, and go to Hell in whatever way seems most fitting to yourself, with my sincerest benediction.

And to a metaphysical certainty, with a surprised look on your gobsmacked face, right up until oxygen deprivation to your vital organs converts you from a bio-organism into fertilizer for the more industrious worms and microbes on the planet.

Because I can only tell you the truth, but I can't make you smart enough to think. And a sincere thanks, Michael, for illustrating in ways I could never do why most of the efforts to get the attention of and induce any common sense behaviors by the Undecided Stupid People are about as useful as peeing on an electric fence, and nearly as painful to undertake.



  1. You're right. A plan is necessary. The problem is planning of any scale requires more than one person. Start making plans with others and it won't be long before the Fed Boi Glowies get wind of things and get involved. After that things go south in a hurry. Kind of a conundrum.

  2. I am not all the way thru the Michael Montage but there is only one word that fits -- EPIC.

    The meme of the old fart with two divorces, cancer, etc, etc, hits home. Close description of my life.

  3. Acquire this DVD for more about the attacks against the lawfully seceded states.

    https://www.amazon.com/What-Really-Happened-Fort-Sumter/dp/B004089RMK/. It may be hard to find now, but it IS important.

    Lincoln was a murderous thug.

  4. By that same token, Trump was lawfully convicted.

  5. IMO, much of the problem with analysis of the Civil War comes from the erroneous presumption that there were only two sides.
    There were three.
    The third side was the Federal government.
    The South could survive without the North, and vice versa.
    The Federal government got most of its' revenue from tariffs, import / export duties, and excise taxes, as on whisky.
    These were primarily paid by the Southern States. Charleston, the site of Ft Sumpter, was the busiest port on the East Coast in 1860. The South apparently saw the Federal move to reinforce Ft Sumpter as the preparation to enforce a much larger tariff. The Fed government could not survive without the revenue from the South. At the end of the War, the Feds confiscated and Federalized all State owned / untitled land in the Southern States, except for Texas.
    See also the 10+ years it took after the War to take the Greenbacks out of circulating at a discount to gold.
    John in Indy
