Monday, June 3, 2024

If He Only Had A...

There's a theme song that comes to mind...

"Are you planning on creating your own form of government, maybe start your own little country within the ruins of what was once the USofA? Or, are you gonna just hunker down and wait a few years and hope that some other George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin is going to pick up where the old USofA was meant to be and start afresh? What's your plan?"

Why do you ask? I bring up the question only because I spent...lemme see...ah, yes, there it is, carry the nothing...exactly ZERO SECONDS discussing any form of government, anywhere in the OP. Not a peep. I rather suspect any form of government will look remarkably like the current one, minus any number of miscreants currently within it, and after the removal of any number of alterations to the original blueprints that have served - as intended from the outset - to bastardize and undermine the original intent. But that's just one opinion among tens of millions. I never brought it up. Which once again points out that you're not responding to anything I wrote, you're out in the fields building straw men. It's your defining trait.

So the more germane question is why you're so concerned with the details on a form of government, since government is nearly always the problem, not the solution to it.

One can but wonder how many times you think are sufficient to grab ahold of a cherry-red hot stove before you either run out of hands, or inclination, to repeat the mistake. Most people would stop at one.

Two and a half posts just to examine your first paragraph, and underline the silliness! And we still await, in vain, any response by you to anything we actually wrote. If only for the novelty.

"I hear a lot about how we need to get this Civil War started and how politicians need to be swinging from the lamp posts or introduced to the guillotine. I hear about how we all need to buckle up because we're in for a rough ride. I hear all of that noise, but nobody seems to have thought beyond that. Who do we rally behind in the aftermath that's ready to lead this once great country into a new era? I can't think of a single soul that I would trust or want to start a new government. Can you?"

I hear a lot about how we need to get this Civil War started

Do tell! From whom? Yet again, we bring this up because we cannot recollect ever stating that we need to do any such thing. So we'll give you an easy task: drop names, and post link(s), online, now - otherwise  It Never Happened. I'll match paychecks with you that you can't come up with one person writing at a single blog who's argued that we "need to" begin a Civil War.

So, yet again, you're caught responding to the voices in your head, rather than reality, or anything we actually wrote.

This is my shocked face.

...and how politicians need to be swinging from lamp posts or introduced to the guillotine. I hear about how we all need to buckle up because we're in for a rough ride.

They do. And you should. Disagree? Make your case. Bonus point: You actually brought up something we actually said. Beginner's luck.

I hear all that noise,

Words mean things. "Noise" is what you're putting out. What you're manifestly NOT hearing is called "signal". And like radio waves, that signal is passing over you, but you're not tuned in, and you sure as hell aren't receiving anything.

...but nobody seems to have thought beyond that.

How to tell me You Haven't Been Paying Attention without telling me you haven't been paying attention.

Who do we rally behind in the aftermath that's ready to lead this once great country into a new era?

1) I would have thought that after events in Charlottesville and Washington D.C., you'd have learned a lesson about rallies, and had enough of them for quite awhile. Okay, sorry, not you. But smart people.

2) I'm going out on a limb here, and guessing you're a Common Core graduate. So let's fill in a ginormous hole in your understanding of our national history. (Maybe, write this on your palm with a Sharpie, lest ye forget any of it.) First, we started shooting at redcoats. Then, like a year later, we had a Declaration Of Independence. Then we battled a tyrannical government for a paltry seven long, brutal additional years before the British agreed to peace terms. Then four years and two forms of government later, we finally elected Geo. Washington to lead this country into a new era. Not the other way around.

3) So maybe you should grasp the concept that you should be far more concerned about your warfighting skills, organization, logistics, etc. than you ever should be with wondering where Geo. Washington II is, and when he's going to lead you into the promised land. you haven't even bought a dress for your prom, let alone been asked out, let alone gotten married; and yet  you're already picking out the wallpaper for the baby's room in your honeymoon cottage, and figuring out which college they'll attend.

You tell me: how stupid and bassackwards is that?

I can't think of a single soul that I would trust or want to start a new government? Can you?

I can think of dozens. So you haven't been paying very close attention to that, either, Baby Duck. More to the point, you're trying to figure out forming a government, and you haven't figured out forming a fire team or squad, and you have no freaking clue whether and who would even be around after a notional civil war ends, to know who you could pick to form that government.

So maybe a lot less wishcasting about things that don't matter, and won't matter for years to decades beyond the Next Big Thing and a LOT MORE about how to pack a ruck, approach a dead drop, avoid surveillance, smuggle people and material through checkpoints, or a cool million other things you're going to need to get from now to that day.

We shall now retire for the moment, having waded through 2/5ths of Michael's paragraphs, and let Michael get his hands on a tourniquet or two and some ice packs, the better to deal with all the lumps and lacerations suffered in this latest exchange.

Administrivia: For the Usual Suspects, shocked to learn that one of their ilk could out-stupid them at their own game, Michael's original post (I suspect he's the former "Michael Gladius") is now unembargoed in Comments to the OP. Suck it, bitches. He's one of you. Own it.


  1. "I'll match paychecks with you that you can't come up with one person writing at a single blog who's argued that we "need to" begin a Civil War."

    I certainly can't. Predictions that we're on our way to one, yes. Claims that that "needs" to happen? Uh, no. It would be Bosnia x Rwanda, if not worse.

  2. Now, you know the "person" with the exceptional auditory perception (I hear...I hear...) is most likely a low-rung player for "Flowers By Irene" or some such other alphabet agency. Why do you torture them so? I'm not saying stop, I, and many others, enjoy how you so handily hand people of their ilk their derrieres and invite them to wear it as a chapeau.

  3. Do we need a civil war? Depends in part on how you define a civil war. The nasty reality is the criminals in power aren't going to quit, give up and go away voluntarily or peacefully. That means they are allowed to stay right where they are to keep doing what they have been doing OR they are forcibly removed and that requires violence. Meaning bloodshed. No sane person wants a civil war and all that comes along with that. And the leftists are banking on that fact. Normal America has been remiss. We allowed the wrong people to gain power. Now we are paying the inevitable price for that mistake. And the price for us making that mistake will be even steeper. In short it's now a giant shit sandwich and everyone gets a bite. And the size of the sandwich isn't going to get any smaller by ignoring it. We no longer have any pleasant choices that will work. Sucks don't it.
