Friday, May 31, 2024

¡Viva Chiquitastan!

Let us all get serious for a moment.

Today's Star Trial verdict in a kangaroo court says nothing about Donald Trump's guilt or innocence on any laundry list of invented crimes, let alone actual felonies.

When Alan Dershowitz, from the Far Left, visits the trial for one day, and announces afterwards that Judge Clowncarnucopia "committed more reversible errors in the one day I attended than I've seen in my entire legal career", any pretense of this being anything within the bounds of American jurisprudence has not only already sailed, it's already docked on the other side of the ocean.

I had some wisp of a hope that the magnitude of obvious chicanery, subornation of perjury, jackassery, and outright fraud in this trial would enable at least one lone juror to conclude that the best course was to not pull the entire country down in a fit of childish pique. But that was obviously an orphaned expectation, long since. 

(Word to your mother, NYFC: the biggest problem in NYFC on 9/11/01 wasn't two airliners, it's that neither of them had a nuclear weapon on board that they detonated. You're now dead to the rest of the country. I hope I live to see bombers do to you what the 8th Air Force did to Dresden, while you're all sitting in your homes and offices. You've been a blight on this nation for 50 years, but this takes the cake. "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." May you all, to the last child, get what you deserve, both here, and Hereafter. Hear me, God.)

The meaning of today's verdict is actually quite simple:

The Democrat Party hereby announces that they have formally seceded from the United States Of America.

This announcement, therefore, makes them nothing less, at best, than seditious criminals and rebellious traitors, and as such, liable to hanging or shooting on sight, wherever and whenever found, top to bottom, and coast to coast.

The only open question is not any longer whether there will be an open, shooting civil war, but when it will commence being a range with the firing line fully open in both directions.

That's not an incitement to anyone, nor intended as any such thing; it's merely a statement of facts.

The head of the FBI laid out all the reasons for prosecution, and then looked the other way at a Secretary of State who knowingly committed over 30,000 federal felonies. Hundreds of current and former public officials and intelligence agency senior members lied openly that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation", in the most monstrous case of election interference in American history. Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of procuring child sex victims to no one, because all the defendants are part of the political system in power.

But to get Trump, they tried and failed at two impeachments, and multiple trials, then stole an election, and to lock it in, finally brought up a made-up case in a Far Leftard venue for misdemeanors multiple persons have testified were committed not by Trump, but by a crooked underling, and which the underling himself told his own lawyer he did without Trump's knowledge nor encouragement, with his own money. Literally, no crime was committed by Trump, beyond any reasonable doubt, the D.A. suborned perjury to tell the jury otherwise, and this case should have been thrown out summarily pro forma the minute the prosecution rested. In fact, it never should nor would have even been tried, had this been anyone but Trump.

Whether the nation rises up as one and purges this rot, or doesn't, there is an immutable Truth smacking us all in the face:

America That Once Was Is 


It didn't die of natural causes. 

The Democratic Party Killed It.

All that remains to be seen, from now going forward, is whether We, the People, have the stones to hold them and their members accountable for the murder, round them up, and begin the mass hangings or shootings on sight such a calculated and treasonous criminal act demands.

If not, this was the moment when we began our irreversible slide into being Amerizuela, with all the trimmings, for years to decades.

You? Do whatever you think is right.

Understand fully that, by casting this under the umbrella of state-sanctioned justice, the Other Side is not the rebellion. 

YOU are. With all that entails.

You may have some narrow respite to finish preparations for what is, inevitably, going to come.

Best do so in some haste.

Neither side is going to get what they like, nor like what they get.

But both now live in Chiquitastan.

Conduct yourselves accordingly.

And as noted in Comments, many of us - no small number - took a certain oath, any number of years ago. When last I looked, it had no expiration date. You may forgive us if we look forward in some mirth at the Other Side's discovery of the depth of meaning in that knowledge.

And would someone please kindly update Claire Wolfe on the following:

It's now time to begin shooting the bastards.

And if not this, what?

If not now, when??


  1. I took the same oath you did, for the same service you did. It has not expired.

  2. Thank you for calling that to mind, Joseph.

    "And yea, though I walk
    through the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death,
    I will fear no evil.
    For I am the biggest, baddest, meanest motherfucker in the Valley.

  3. “Trump will become a dictator if he’s elected. He’s a threat to ‘our’ democracy. Who is it who’ve jailed over 1000 J6 protestors for over a year and a half? Who killed Ashlii Babbit? Who defied the Supreme Court by forgiving student loans? Hmm? Who can’t put a sentence together without a massive dose of adderall? If now’s not the time for open rebellion, when will it be?

    Joseph, I’m with you brother.
    God save us.

  4. I'm with you on this one. I love the idea of somebody deciding to Dresden the city of New York.

  5. Amen Boss... For once, we agree.
    If you don't have a favorite place already, I'm a big fan of Sam Gabbart over at SGAmmo dot com. If your credit card doesn't max out today, you've probably waited too long.

  6. Don't hold back, man.
    Tell us how you REALLY feel.

  7. I made my feelings about Trump rather explicit several months ago, on another topic, knowing my statement would be ill-received.

    Those feelings have not changed. By the same token, they do not keep me from recognizing that yesterday was an absolute travesty of justice, and the end of constitutional government in America.

    The fact that you don't like a man, and that he gave you PTSD eight years ago, is not an excuse for manufacturing criminal charges and then manipulating a jury into a guilty verdict (not that a New York jury probably needed much arm-twisting).

    And the fact that at least 40% of the country either can't or won't recognize this gives me very little hope for where we go from here.

  8. Trump wasn't my guy in 2016. Obnoxious, say-anything, grifter.

    Regardless, he beat Shrillary soundly, keeping her out of the White House for life (Presidential Hall Of Fame vote right there), governed more conservatively than any president since Coolidge, and irretrievably flipped SCOTUS. If not for the 2020 election theft, it would now be a 7-2 conservative majority, and one which would likely hold for 40 years.
    He came within two judgeships of flipping the entire 9th Circus, and returning 9 Western US states and two US territories to the jurisdiction of the republic, and overturning the last 40 years of their judicial lunacy.

    His failings and missteps notwithstanding, that makes him not my guy, but the guy.

    I haven't counted him out this time yet, but we're about to go off the map, and onto where there be dragons.

    1. I want to see you say it. Tell the truth, as if your solemn oath is at stake. Did you, or did you not vote for Clinton, or for another, or simply against Trump?

    2. Bingo. The makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court was at stake. It was the deciding factor.

      That in itself tells how far America has drifted from her moorings. The Founders felt that the judicial branch was the least of three, hardly a thought, never to be seen.
      That the ordinary citizen should be concerned of, or even aware of, the court is compelling evidence that the Republic is at great risk. Yet this has been the case for nigh our entire lifetime.

  9. Aesop, this post reminded me of one of my favorite movies, the 1964 Fail-Safe. As far as I'm concerned, it has a happy ending, in that both Moscow and NYFC get blown to bits.

  10. Keep your cards close, guys and try not to fedpoast. I know you're mad and I am too, but it's stupid to telegraph violent intent.

    Get your analysis hats on. Think about perfectly legal and undoxable ways you can identify the badguys, deny them their pinches of incense, hinder their most probable COA's, preserve your own freedom, and keep your options open. Keep small and mobile. Use the law, don't be used by it.

    Me, for starters I'm planting twice the size of garden as before, getting fit, and will be observing the people around me more in general. Local local local.

  11. At this juncture don't worry about being on some watch list. If you are not now then you have not been trying hard enough or have been hiding under a rock. And by hard enough, I mean at minimum boarded a plane thru a TSA checkpoint. That is as easy as it gets.

    As to Trump, well he probably just earned 10pts in the polling. The Marxists were not going to vote for him anyway. Its that squishy middle that if they rub to brain cells together should realize in the back of their head -- "Shit, that could be me!"

    Vote accordingly, but keep your armaments in working order.

  12. Finally. About time. An open call to arms. Long have I felt like a line cry in the wilderness.
    I take this not lightly, not careless nor frivolously.
    I am aware of the weight of the matter. Very frustrating has been that the most opposition has been from the .mil vet, especially those who had not seen combat, except from afar. (No names) My concern has solely been the welfare of America and The People. Under God.

  13. Trump did many things piss poor, not the least of which was not finding some way to organise his supporters as well, if not better, than the forces of Darkness on the Left. A US civil war would be a bloody turkey-shoot because only one side is organised for action. The other side cleans its guns, stacks its ammo, and waits for the forces of darkness to come after their small, relatively uncoördinated groups, picking them off one by one.

  14. And, they'll want to put him in prison. Bet on it.
