Monday, May 27, 2024

"It's Like Playing Poker With My Sister's Kids!"

h/t WRSA

Don't believe us, though. You could look it up yourself. This assumes you graduated 5th grade.

The level of retardation on X cannot be measured with existing instrumentation. It's like an enormous Black Hole of Stupid, so powerful that all intelligent thought is sucked in, never to be seen nor heard from again.

Now imagine that black hole had a keyboard.


  1. IMO if Japan were attacked and America provided assistance, over half of the NATO would say America wasn't attack and chose to fight w/ Japan therefor it's not a NATO problem.

  2. If they did, that would end NATO in about 15 minutes, and they'd be on their own with Russia.
    It's entirely possible half the population of NATO might feel as you outlined.
    0% of their governments would, because they can read a map, and a bank balance.

  3. DEar John Conrad,

    Look up at least 2 versions of Literary attempts for pieces titled "Long Walk Home".

    Hint: Having watched the absolute fuckery as demonstrated in Afghanistan, we may NOT BUILD BRIDGES in those cases.

  4. 11 of 31 NATO members spent the 2% in 2023. This year the number is reported to be 18 out of 32. It's reported that countries are meeting their obligations because of Ukraine/Russia. A majority of those countries lie closest to the Russian border.,%2C%20Latvia%2C%20Britain%20and%20Slovakia.

  5. I worry about the first link in that chain. What will our political leadership do? Second link, would it make a difference if the rest of NATO showed up? The Pacific nations need to be able to fend for themselves.

    Mike G

  6. Unless Sleepy Joe is at the helm. Think he'd take decisive action?

  7. NATO is important because they determine whether China has trade, and with whom. International credibility. Access to the entire industrial West - or not.

  8. Minor observation on Aesop's 3:07 comment.

    Boost India. There is no love lost between them and China. Major American corps are already exiting China to India for cost reasons. It would be to the US defense policy to provide financial incentives to have Corps relocate to US or India. As part of a 5D chess move we ought to do it. The weaker we make China over the long march the less likely we will have to engage them at all.

  9. Maybe someone can answer this one for me. Why did we build a pier at all? I thought the USN had LCACs? Or did we scrap them?

  10. T.S. I'm unsure about Yuess Snavy LCACs; but I can surmise the reason we TRIED to build a pier is because the senior leadershit of "our" .mil is every bit as ig'nit, unqualified, and evil as their .gov leadershit.

  11. Don't be so sure.

    We may have failed on purpose. We look good for trying, and appearing even-handed, but we get out without getting involved endlessly.

    "Hey, sorry, we tried. Too bad, so sad. B'Bye."

    Maybe the State Dept. and Pentagon learned the right lesson from our galactically stupid rescue of the PLO from Israel in Beirut in 1983.
