Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Upcoming Freedom Olympics: Competition Pointers

h/t WRSA

Aim small; miss small.


  1. Need to print out one of these.

  2. Someone once recommended hips and head, in that order. Especially if they are packing a ballistic shield.

  3. If ya got the angle take out the right shoulder. Regardless of whatever else he is least likely to be able to use his primary weapons. (presumes right handed operator, 80% of the population.) A head shot is one man out. A critical wound is 2 men out, the target and assist to remove target from the scene.

  4. Young friend of mine spent a bit of time in Iraq a few years ago and mentioned that they’d try to put one just over the top edge of the chest plate, if the guy had some looted American gear. Said the round would usually hit the back plate and bounce. Depending on the round, maybe quite a bit…

