Monday, March 4, 2024

Secret Service Code Name: Miss Gulch

But it certainly explains why we hear the same piece of music in our own head whenever we see or hear her. Perhaps we're not alone there.

But trading a broomstick for Air Force One is going a bit far for any party, we think. (For starters, how would Shrillary and Gin Hag Pelosi get around?)

And congratulations are in order. Jeb Haley secured a "W", winning the votes of the District Of Criminals.

Yet again, just a coincidence that she got all the Flying Monkeys in the Dark Castle to vote for her, right?


It's not like she's the swampiest swamp creature burped out by the GOPe since McCrazy or Mittens, or anything.

Nope. Nosiree. No RINOs to see here.

Bonus points to whoever if someone throws a bucket of water on her to see if she melts, though. That'd be epic.


  1. This is a tinfoil thought, but I'm beginning to wonder if Haley will be changing parties in a public way and be considered a replacement for Kamala Harris (who brings zilch to the table, even after 4 years as VP). Haley is doing as much damage to Trump as The Left and bringing along her cadre of fans to the Democratic side would probably be measurable. Haley is more
    Centrist compared to Kamala and the Progressives right now are taking it left and right. Probably won't be much of a factor in this vote - the Progs aren't going to vote Trump in any case.

    I know, way out there, but there has to be a reason why she continues to stay in a race she has no hope of winning nomination.

  2. Don't overlook the possibility that she's certifiably mentally unfit, and can't see reality even after half a dozen cluebats to the head.

    Running for office at all is pretty indicative of that trait.

  3. Anon @ 3:40

    "... The Left and bringing along her cadre of fans to the Democratic side would probably be measurable. ..."

    Don't bank on it Sir. Please note that the few times that Haley has appeared strong in a primary is in States where cross over voting is permitted. Another words, her support is already coming from the Democrat side for the most part. It would be a wise move on her part to change party affiliation. However doing so would not bolster vote counts in any measurable way.

  4. Time for her to sit down and shut up.

  5. I worked a long engineering design contract in SC during Haley's last few years as governor. The client was a large aerospace firm with engineering offices in Greenville, and Haley met with both the client managers and the contract firm's owners. They reported back that Haley was very sharp on the business end, but not at all interested in the engineering side.

    I'm not defending her; her stance on the Confederate flag "annoyed" me, and the people I talked with spoke of her obvious overwhelming ambition. I do know that the aerospace engineering community down there thought highly of her.

  6. The secret is out: no one wants her except Never Trumpers and Democrats who don't want Poopypants facing Trump again.

    That's a recipe for 8% GOP turnout, and a biblical electoral shellacking in the general election.

    FFS, no one even wants her in her home state.
    She's over.
    Her campaign mascot now is a chicken running around for fifteen minutes after its head is cut off because it doesn't know it's already dead.

  7. Head like a handicap, right there.
