Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Important Tip

 h/t cw

One of these two memes is completely made up.
The important tip is: Don't Believe Everything You Read.


  1. Too bad the Dept of Ed does not take Patton's advise to heart. My experience just says to change the percentages:

    * 1/3rd, give them the book and the syllabus and get out of their way.
    * 1/3rd, give them the book and the syllabus and answer their questions as need be and they will do fine.
    * 1/3rd, have no clue why they are in the course and no amount of coaching will change that.

  2. The Army has always been pickier than the Board of Education.

    If the Army grades you 4F, you get to stay a civilian, and they kick you out of line.
    If the Board of Education sees you got 4 Fs, they promote you to the next grade anyways, all the way to high school graduation.

    Clever readers will spot the flaw in one of these plans.

  3. When did the Air Force start putting their planes on stilts?

  4. You put the planes on stilts so all the pilots can feel like they're flying, not just the ones who can. Wait until you meet your new doctor.
