Friday, February 16, 2024

Chicken And Egg: Does the Slaughter follow the Downfall, or bring it about?

Open Question. I'm undecided. Discuss.

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will appear.


A) Slaughter > Downfall

B) Downfall > Slaughter

C) Won't be a Downfall

D) Won't be a Slaughter

E) Potato

F) Surprise me

Three Rules:

1) You're not arguing against me, as I have no position, nor will be posting any. You're not arguing against any other commenters. Post your thesis, and bring your supporting arguments. Then sit down. Color inside the lines, or stay on the porch. 

2) Select A-F, above. At the outset.

3) And sign your post. Unsigned anonymous efforts will never see daylight, and you're wasting your time even typing them. Own your output.

(If these concepts are difficult for you, don't worry. Auto-delete will sort you out, and zero comments won't hurt my feelings.)


  1. The true downfall precedes the slaughter, just as Cain’s jealousy preceded him murdering Abel. Our downfall is linked to the character flaw of neutralism and moral equivocation; it’ll be less Yugoslavian and more Laotian.

    However, the visible downfall will come after the slaughter begins. We already have the slaughter, in the form of abortion, and the right won’t go kinetic until one side suffers a mass casualty event. Kyle rittenhouse killed 3 leftists, but that sparked nothing.

    Furthermore, if the Chicoms establish 5th columns here, under the training and command of their special forces (thanks to our open borders), then the visible downfall will come after they kill thousands of Americans.

  2. Downfall>slaughter

    This former great nation has been in a slow-motion decline/downfall for quite some time now. We appear to be accelerating towards just that eventuality and the inevitable chaos of vigilante justice. When any semblance of legitimate law enforcement ultimately fades away, the criminals, who have been protected by said law enforcement will be on their own. No longer concerned with having their freedoms taken away by the state for defending their lives and property, normal citizens will unleash violent retribution. First on the nearby criminal element, then upon those perceived to have perpetuated or participated in the disintegration of civil society. Tit-for-tat violence will devolve into the grotesque butchery that only brutal anarchy can provide. Corruption begets the downfall, which in turn creates the slaughter.

    Of course, I could be wrong. It's been said by those closest to me, that I am full of crap and that's why my eyes are brown.

  3. Rotundo the mighty artFebruary 16, 2024 at 6:49 AM

    SOMETHING is going to precipitate the "sudden" collapse. Dunno if another stolen election or .FED crackdown or stock market crash or Moslem terrorist attack or Chi Nees attack or what, but it's coming.

    Prep now, it will be ugly.

  4. B.
    If you can't see that the downfall has already been ongoing for quite some time, that's a failure of perception. The scary part comes when we understand the slaughter will be a 2 way street. That part being a reality the powers that be can't seem to grasp is where the entertainment comes in. I'd wish them luck but, well,...

  5. I'm on the side of the only comments I see, Downfall > Slaughter

    The downfall will be the result of economic collapse, not the continuing slide we see. The collapse is hard to predict in timing because something has to happen that shocks "the system" and it's hard to define what that could be. Obviously things like the entirely corrupt Sam Bankman Fraud Campaign Finance Bank, or the realization that there's no objectively fair legal system weren't big enough to trigger it. The slow motion plans to kill off millions by not allowing modern farming haven't been enough to trigger it. I don't know what it is. Historically, there has never been an exception to Voltaire's "the value of paper money always returns to the value of the paper it's printed on," and I don't expect there will be one now.

    The old saying that we're three meals away from collapse is probably true. Might be three, might be a few more - or a few less.

    It will probably be global; even the BRICS countries, closest to a real, intrinsically valuable commodity standard in the world, will be hammered by a lack of trade.

    When you look at education in Western countries, and who will be trying to repair the world, I see New Dark Ages written all over it. Perhaps ironically, the countries exempted from all the climate bullshit - China and India - may be best positioned to keep that from happening.

  6. The chicken came first

    I think the downfall comes first, then the massive die off

    Not sure of the spark that ignites it, too much poop going on to know what will spark the downfall

    But the spark will cause economic collapse, beyond what we have already experienced

    Same as most other comments, except I am not as good at writing a comment


  7. E) Potato - As in an electronic device that is very old (from the 60s or the 70's) and is very obsolete and also possibly no longer works due to corrosion over time.

    I have been prepping since the 70's. First as a cold war vet, later as I realized the greatest threat to our freedom lies inside, not outside, our nation's borders.

    So here we are in 2024. The 2020 election was obviously stolen, and I see no reason to believe that the 2024 election won't be stolen as well.
    No matter how bad things get, no matter how Biden acts, no matter the price of things and how many people cannot afford to live, Democrat voters will still vote Democrat and if the numbers of newly arrived immigrants voting won't make up for the numbers of people voting for the R candidate (hopefully Trump) they delay and find enough votes to make it happen.

    The DOJ, FBI and other three letter government agencies have been weaponized against patriots. So in case our side wants to try to do something, they will be ready and give any patriots who try to rise up the january 6 prisoner treatment.

    The economy and our military is in continuing decline.

    Neocons are pushing for war against Russia, China, and Iran writing checks that our military can't cash.
    Military recruiting of white males way down (one of the few bright signs that many on our side is catching on to how things really are).

    It's just been, and I believe will continue to be, a slow decline forever.

    The importation of by some estimates 22 million illegals, many of them fighting age males (all this happening apparently being allowed to happen by both political parties) tells me that the weight of who has the most combat power (as measured by bodies + weapons) has swung too far to the other side to ever be reversed.
    Yeah, we have a lot of guns and ammo. But many of us are older and don't get around so good any more.
    Will our kids and grand kids join the fight and pick up the slack? Or will they opt out and become non-participants (or worse, leftists) or if they do take up the case of freedom simply be overwhelmed by the vast numbers of the other side?

    I hate to say it, but I think that our future - like the future of the white Europeans (minus Russia)- will over time resemble the Boers of South Africa.

  8. Firstly, B) Downfall > Slaughter. Which will then lead to A) (more)Slaughter > (to further and final)Downfall.

    Then more and continued slaughter until...

    It is always thus. Slaughter always continues either on a large scale or in small skirmishes. We, as a planet, are still skirmishing since WW2. The slaughter continues.

    There is not enough room here to make a thesis; many history books have already been written on this subject.

    A simple case in point - In Ukraine, as they dig the trenches for today's horror, they are digging up WW1 German soldiers' skeletons from the trenches they died in. No one has learned anything in the last 100 years.

    We are in downfall and the slaughter continues.

  9. F. The slaughter happens when there arent any visible consequences. White Cristian men have a tendency to wait until there is a slaughter to respond.The downfall, depends. Downfall of Morals? Already there long before. Downfall of economic policies? Working on it. And envy is an amazing motivator (see killing fields of the 20th century). People generally are not good. They are just not bad because ots easier to follow the rules. Most are opportunistic and lazy with gray moral definitions. Bible says there are no good men. The way you know who youre dealing with, is if they admit they arent good. If they admit it at least theyre attempting to be honest. Everyone else would sell you down the river along with their soul. They cant handle the truth.

  10. Downfall, then slaughter.

    But it will be Downfall, coalesce into tribes(based on either locality, ethicality or both) then slaughter as one tries to take resources from an "other".

    It will sorta be city vs suburb vs rural, bot other factors will matter as well. Ferinstance: South side of chicago vs rural to the south vs suburbia to the west vs "downtown" vs whites to the north.... Some will prevail, others will not. Blacks will win early due to tribal savagery more easily found closer to the surface, but will lose later due to failure to plan/cooperate/decent leaders that can think and plan for the future...they will run out of easily plundered resources and starve. Ultimately it will be asians vs latinos vs whites in the cities.

    Less urban places will be more based on community and family. More likely to survive long term....But often it will depend on the leaders....forethought, charisma, intelligence.


  11. Downfall > Slaughter I believe it will be kicked off in the metromesses when food becomes short, either due to deliveries stopping, greatly increased 'food deserts' because of looting/robbing, or 'enough' food processors get shut down by (insert cause/effect here) and there isn't food to deliver. Lastly, if the trucking infrastructure breaks down- e.g. the California regulations that are causing problems getting enough 'legal' trucks in to San Pedro/Long Beach to actually move cargo.

  12. F) Surprise me.

    The Downfall > Slaughter would be likely, however. I pose a question similar to 'does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if no one hears it?' along the lines of -- If the general population over time becomes so uneducated in nearly everything, do they even know there is a downfall? Couple that with another COVID like event, would they even know they are being slaughtered? I would tend to doubt it just like most today don't know that the life expectancy has dropped --

    I call it Idiotaracy-Lite. A case on point -- . You cannot become a functional adult without reading and writing skills. I don't care what language you use, its a fact jack. Bills can't be written, laws recorded, legal cases settled, on and on.

    I stand to be debated on the matter.

  13. Downfall before Slaughter

    "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" by Rudyard Kipling

    pretty much says it all

  14. E
    I think the downfall is in progress and will continue to expand.
    Whether there will be slaughter I think depends on us.

  15. No reason you can't have both....slaughter leading to downfall followed by more slaughter.

  16. They are already happening simultaneously. They are accelerating to that point on the horizon where they merge. And fall off the cliff together.

  17. I don't have/want a Giggle account and you don't want Anony-mouse so .. my name de plume is DT; I'm on enough lists as it is.

    Define your terms: what constitutes downfall and slaughter? I would suggest the downfall has already occurred in large blue states/cities, particularly in places like CA, OR, WA, HI, NY, IL - Portland as a city stands out ... I could suggest the slaughter is already underway in places like Chicago and St Louis.

    "Downfall" is relative (so is slaughter). The downfall has occurred (one could argue many starting points; I select since the 2nd Reagan term) but we are still slipping - that being in reference to the 60s and 70s. Children of the 2000s may not sense a downfall. I have young relatives that welcome what us older folk use as evidence of a downfall - they seem to favor loss of privacy, surveillance, censorship, etc.

    Much will depend on the upcoming (maybe) election. I've read that out-of-country odds are for Mike to "win" but I would suggest that any "winner" will not be accepted by the other side and will bring on slaughter in limited areas - big cities and suburbs primarily. The urban youth will be unleashed to make 2020 look like child's play. They will lose in the long run but create much havoc in the short term. The inner cities will be destroyed.

    I suspect if the Democrats maintain power, martial law will be implemented - maybe before the election. If the illegals are actually foreign sleeper cells, we may have a military-style takeover and the moderates-to-right will be placed in camps similar to the Japanese in the '40s. Or slaughtered (officially with fair trials and everything: as enemies of the State)

    They WILL take our guns. Someone faces a SWAT team early AM? You're going to die or let them do there thing. They win either way.

    I don't see a "capture-the-flag" scenario like the War of Northern Aggression; I see wide-spread, uncoordinated guerilla warfare instead - the Wild West all over again but with modern technology. I suspect such action will last a generation or two before things settle down again.

    Downfall? It's already started but still has a way to go. But that's my point of view from studying US history. Younger folks don't seem to have studied history ...

    Slaughter? Limited and local but intense; only skirmishes at this point, bound to get more worse; rural areas will likely avoid the worst violence but not the consequences (access to power, water, groceries).

    Or it may all slide into the comfort of complacency.

    I doubt the US - as we've known it - will exist by 2028 ... or 2025

    This looks to be an interesting summer. Glad I don't live in an urban area. My prayers go out to all those who do.


  18. B) Downfall > Slaughter

    It appears that the great majority of Americans are willing to allow the collapse or are too ignorant of what’s going on around them to try to do anything except keep believing what the politicians and media tell them and keep accepting the government handouts
    Those who are striving to bring about the “great reset” don’t care how many people die as long as it’s at least 90% of the country/world population.
    Once the collapse occurs, regardless of what is the final straw/trigger, all hell is going to break loose. Gradually over the first few days the suddenly exploding into riots, murders, robberies and general chaos as those whose stomachs have been filled by the government and those whose government pushed medications run out lash out.
    Slaughter will follow as those on all sides of the clearly defined fields of conflict declare open season, no bag limit on everyone not in their group.
    I’m not sure there will be world war as countries around the globe explode in internal conflict between different peoples and/or against the governments.

  19. I'm going to choose multiple...
    I believe there will be multiple phases of downfall and multiple phases of massacre.
    As others have mentioned, we are already in a stage of downfall. I think there will be a significant number of deaths before the "big" downfall and then a horrifying number after it as hard conditions really start to bite.
    I would not be surprised see a more phases, some "natural" from lack of food, heat, or medical care and others "unnatural" from deliberate human action, probably on a scale never seen before - I suspect that when the US really comes apart, it will be worse than China in the 30s and 40s, worse than the Holomodor, the Holocaust, and more: Combined!

  20. Gave up using google long ago. I go by Sarin when I rarely post. If it doesn’t see the light of day, your house, your rules and no offense taken.

    Contrary to the posts above, I believe it’s Option A. Here’s why:
    Are we in decline? Yes. Is it accelerating? Yes. Will a collapse occur? Perhaps. I think that those playing ostrich will try to maintain the status quo and continue to push the rock uphill for as long as humanly possible.

    At some point, we will hit a tripwire and a slaughter will occur. IMO, it would have to be massive and directed at anyone right of Pol Pot and would also have to glow so hard it could be seen from Pluto.

    That’s when the “violence is a light switch crowd” should slip the leash. However, I don’t think that will happen for a bevy of reasons; it’s more likely that the left folks standing by to, “at my signal, unleash hell”, which the masscas event signals go. At which point, the light switch crowd won’t have a choice but to enter the fray.

    The subsequent internecine fighting, thanks to the mixing of political bent (amongst other differences) down to the neighbor level, will lead to the collapse. Basic services will break down due to casualties/collateral damage and bug-outs combined with intentional acts; particularly if someone is losing a must-hold area.

    Conjecture on my part, absolutely. In my view, current events point toward some mass casualty event sparking things off.

  21. Nobody mentioned how easy it is to stop deliveries (trucks, trains). Or how easy it is to permanently kill the electric grid. If one of those happens, the other will happen. Then our country will turn into hell. Who will win? Not many winners in a 90% kill/die off. There WILL be a Great Reset, don't know if anyone will like it.

  22. B) Downfall > Slaughter

    Though I guess (as others have said), it depends on the definition of terms. I take "downfall" to mean societal collapse and "slaughter" to mean organized, systematic mass-killings here in America. If so, I would argue that the former has begun and the latter... well, we ain't seen nothing yet. I'm afraid we will though.

    The encrapification of American life has been ongoing for decades, by pretty much any metric, and is accelerating. If someone had written a science fiction novel in 1950 accurately describing American cities in the 2020's, it would never have been published due to being too gruesome, unrealistically pessimistic, and way too profane. And yet, here we are in 2024, literally living in a dystopia. Our freedoms are mostly gone, our economic well-being is on the way out, and most people, across the political spectrum, have the sense that civilization is on the precipice of disaster, even though the TV talking heads continue to insist things are better than ever. We haven't collapsed yet, but we are indisputably in decline, and historians of the future will debate exactly when the point of no return came for America.

    So, we're in decline already, but the systematic slaughter hasn't begun yet-- at least not in the West-- and I don't think it will until the system has fallen in a big way, to the extent that it's obvious even to the most oblivious that civilization is over. Until that time, most people will grit their teeth and try the best they can to get by. People aren't going to rise up against the system until their backs are against the wall and they feel they have no other choice, so some kind of slaughter causing the final downfall seems unlikely to me. It will be the other way around. And the gubmint isn't going to start rounding people up for mass executions as long as they feel they can hold onto power without having to get so messy. They made an example of the Jan. 6 people, and thus far there hasn't been anything like a repeat of that event, so from their perspective, they're winning. There's no need to escalate right now. Why slaughter en masse when you can win the propaganda war, steal elections, jail protestors and dissidents, and thus maintain power indefinitely?

    What I think will bring it all down is economic collapse, global supply chains permanently broken, much of the world population (including here) starting to go hungry, and ultimately attacks against U.S. interests (and people) going unanswered. That will bring home to everyone the undeniable realization that the West can no longer do anything to save itself or its people. That's when the real spicy times will begin. It'll make Rome's Crisis of the Third Century look like nothing.

    Just my opinion. I hope all that stuff doesn't happen, but that's what we seem to be hurtling toward.

  23. Not really directly related to the topic but I find this interesting and perhaps pertinent. Written in 1951 as the preface to Walter Webb's "The Great Frontier" (western civilization, not the frontier of the US):

    The Abundance of Things

    “The abundance of Things, and our great facility in making them available, obscures a fundamental truth which we need to see very clearly if we are to have any hope of meeting the main problem confronting Western civilization today. That basic truth is that the Things which are so abundant, even the gold and silver itself, rest upon the land and are derived from it.
    Regardless of any techniques which may be developed to extract more from the land, there is a limit beyond which we can not go; and if our techniques speed up the process of utilization and destruction, as they are now doing, they hasten the day when the substance on which they feed and on which a swollen population temporarily subsists will approach scarcity or exhaustion. Then the scholars will look back on the age when the Golden Door opened, and men marched out to the Great Frontier to create the greatest boom that the world has known; they will make myths and legends about it, and in poetry and literature express their poignant yearning for New Frontiers. They will see the frontier as the great factor in the age called modern, see it clearly as the lost factor which they would so love to find.”

