Friday, January 19, 2024

Off To The Fun Show


In their ceaseless efforts to expand the intrusive reach of their one-party tyranny and use the U.S. and state constitutions as ass-wipe, the banana republic government of Califrutopia banned gun sales on state property, effectively killing several gun shows in CA on land controlled by the state.

This included the OC Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Which not only pissed off the citizenry, that city (who'd happily take the land over from the state in a heartbeat), and hundreds of vendors. It also got the state sued in court. Successfully, as it turned out.

Califrutopia lost. (Huzzah!) The state's chances at the Ninth Circus aren't looking any too good in light of Bruen, and several other decisions, but pending their inevitable foolish appeals, the shows cancelled since last year are now back.

I'm off to validate my existence, undergird capitalism, and strike a blow for liberty.

Not so much for actual guns (still incurring a 10-day wait hereabouts, and I'm not short any of those already), but for all the other associated (and the totally non-related) accessories, geegaws, and what-not at the show.

And to flip a giant middle finger at the fucktards in Sacramento. Again.

Back later.


  1. As a fellow prisoner, all I can say is see you there!

  2. Time for me to hit a show and stock up on ammo since Washington State is going to pass a law saying that owning ammo is a privilege and not a right.

  3. So thankful that we reside in Idaho.

  4. Thanks for the head up - I made it out there today, and came away with a few goodies!

  5. In Free America, you can buy them for cash, with no paperwork at an auction or from a private buyer with no legal consequences.

  6. Unfortunately I don't live in free America. I live in the Sate of Caliclone. (Washington)

  7. The photo is a gun show (likely Wanamakers) at the Tulsa expo center. God Bless the freedoms we still have in the fly over states. I've bought many a gun and many cases of ammo at Wanamakers over the years.
