Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Dear Treasonous Traitors: Fuck You. Strong Message Follows.


SCOTUS rules Texas may not stop illegal invasion from Mexico.

Since SCOTUS has ruled - beyond and against any legal reasoning worthy of the name - that the U.S. Constitution does not apply to Texas, Texas should ratify that decision and return the favor, in spades.

There should be consequences to ruling a state is outside the protection of the Constitution under which it joined the republic.

All representatives of Texas outside its geographic boundaries should be recalled to the state forthwith.

1) How many divisions does SCOTUS have?

2) Texas should arrest on the spot any federal agent attempting to cut, remove, or displace any obstacle Texas has erected within the state's boundaries, or otherwise thwart prevention by Texas of the criminal invasion of their state, and hold any such arrestees without bail indefinitely, for insurrection and treason.

3a) Any of them who are current residents of Texas should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Texas law, in batches if necessary, and imprisoned in the state's penitentiaries forthwith, for the entirety of sentences received, without any possibility of leniency or parole. If a court decides on the death penalty, a ten- or twelve-place scaffold should suffice, to save time. Pour encourager les autres.

3b) Any of them with residency outside of Texas should be held without trial until the U.S. re-establishes diplomatic relations with Texas. Outside, behind barbed wire, in their underpants, 24/7.

3c) Any military personnel who attempt to enter or leave their bases should be similarly interred as in 3b, but given normal treatment under the Geneva Convention in lieu of formal treaty. 

3d) Any personnel attempting to leave military reservations within the state under arms, by land or air, should be exterminated with extreme prejudice, and those bases seized and occupied. As long as they stand down and remain neutral and unreinforced, they should remain unmolested as is. Any act of war upon Texas from such installations in any manner or to any degree voids any such guarantee. If they elect to road march on foot out of state territory, unarmed, and leaving all vehicles and equipment behind, they should be given parole and safe conduct to the state's borders. Any future return to the state under arms subjects them to immediate execution upon capture.

4) Any other federal agents, officers, or employees, lifting so much as a finger in assistance of the treasonous, seditious, and criminal conspiracy to aid and abet the invasion of the state of Texas, from within the boundaries of the state of Texas, should receive the same treatment. Tears that would be shed over any death, let alone massacre, of federal agents attempting to interfere or resist, anywhere: zero.

5) If the federal government refuses to halt this invasion, and wants to provoke a Fort Sumter moment against Texas, I suspect Texas would only have about 100M volunteers flocking to their side to take a free shot at Uncle Fuckyou within hours of declaring same, and the refugees fleeing the Mexican border region southward wouldn't be safe very much north of Cancun by the end of a month's time.

6) Some of the volunteers would start right in where they already are, and then the idea would spread immediately to about 37 other states. When the Green Zone shrunk to the District of Criminals and a handful of blue hive cities, the pro-invasion lobby would really have both tits in a ringer, and things would get interesting worldwide, in a Chinese curse sort of way.

7) Since the U.S. has not only abdicated even any ersatz border enforcement, and is now not only aiding and abetting criminal border violation, but actively preventing the several states from doing anything to stop it, Texas should take over the entire border from the Gulf to New Mexico, close it in perpetuity, and institute a "shoot-on-sight" policy forthwith. The state's DPS should then begin round-ups and imprisonment of criminal illegal aliens whenever and wherever found within Texas, and imprison them side-by-side with their former co-conspirators, outside, behind barbed wire, in their underpants, 24/7, for a term not less than 1:1 for the entire period of time they have illegally resided in the Lone Star State. If they wanted to come to Texas illegally with such fervor, they're fully entitled to enjoy the weather there outdoors in January (and every other month) unhindered.

This is what happens when you pretend an unarmed and non-violent panty raid on the US Capitol is an "insurrection", and then double- and triple-down on that fairytale, by sponsoring a criminal invasion of the country for two years.

Here's hoping Texas doesn't roll over and take it in the pants, and instead has the backbone to decide to send Emperor Poopypants the bird with both hands on this here and now, and triple dog dares federally employed criminals to wade face first into this propeller. This is where we find out whether Texas is all hat and no cattle, or the real deal.

It's clearly an idea whose time has come.

P.G.T. Beauregard sends his compliments.

Related: In response to SCOTUS ruling, Texas NG installs more razor wire at the border.


  1. I think if this scenario comes to pass, as it damn well should, lots of shirt-tail descendants of Jim Bowie and Davy Crocket will be quietly traveling overland with doghouse trailers filled with "camping supplies". I think I'll start working up a load-out list, never know when I might need it in a hurry. Gray Fox

  2. We shall see if Texas is a Myth or a Reality.
    Putting up more wire, is not a tell.
    Tickty Tock

  3. Spot on, and no, not that harsh in comparison to the invasion we find ourselves, perpetrated by the Federal government who are flagrantly violating the laws they took an oath to uphold, putting all Americans at risk. My response: “Hey pal, We The People don’t work for you, you work for us. Don’t like it? Tough darts and go pound sand you treasonous bums. Close the border NOW!…THAT was the only warning you get, one strike and you’re out. Better hurry.”

    If I lived anywhere along the border I’d be hard pressed to employ SSS, God’s Word does not make it unlawful to defend ones property and person when being invaded by locusts.

  4. You covered it. The ONLY problem is that Gov. Abbott is a WEF, RINO. He'll fold. PRAY that he proves me wrong.

  5. I'm just a fat lazy pussy with a big mouth, so bear with me here: why would I flock to Texas when there's plenty of one-shot Paddy opportunities around here?

    1. Haven't heard a reference to the IRA/PROVO sniper policy in years. Good call.
      Few know that by population, N Ireland is about the same size as Los Angeles, and that for nearly thirty years of The Troubles, less than 3,000 active fighters kept fighting the Brit Army, up to SAS Regiments, without defeat.
      The IRA likely would have driven the Brits out, except that their weapons supplier, the Soviets, wanted the Troubles to continue to weaken the Brit military influence worldwide.
      N Ireland was the place that t h e English Industrial Midlands was exported to for cost reductions and labor controls by using the threat of hiring Catholics to keep wages down.
      The IRA could have won in a year by blocking the ports, the fuel and electric supplies, and the transport Infrastructure (road and rail bridges), all easily restorable after the fighting ended.
      John in Indy

  6. Abbott has done alot more than katie hobbs, she just wants federal money to take care of the ILLEGALS. Steal the election and Rob the citizens.

  7. Precisely correct! We need Texas to lead the way. May God grant this to us.

  8. There ARE some "hills to die on". This would be one them.

  9. @Anon 5:19P,

    "How To Tell Me You Didn't Read As Far As Point #6, Without Telling Me You Didn't Read As Far As Point #6."

    Once you catch yourself up, I hope that clears it up for you.
    Don't feel bad; if you wrote it, there are ten other people asking themselves the same question.
    No harm, no foul.

  10. What would Abbott have to lose by bitch-slapping the Feds? Very little.

    Put the Texas National Guard on the border. And when Biden tries to federalize them, have the Texas ARNG AG refuse.

    Force a confrontation. Even if Abbott lost, he could force a Pyrrhic victory for Biden.

  11. I lived on the Weat coast during 9/11 and that morning I got up to make coffee and turned on the TV. The first tower had already been hit. I sat their on the couch in my underwear slowly starting to comprehend that this was an intentional act. It was obvious to me as the fire burned that the tower couldn't be saved. Didn't know it would collapse in that way or that soon but it was no surprise. Then of course the 2nd tower was hit and I just sat there stunned. Now every morning when I get up I turn on the news and start the coffee and hope it isn't happening again. But it will. These people invading our country are mostly free loaders and criminals but literally thousands of them are likely terrorists and tens of thousands seem to be Chinese soldiers and spies. The Chinese own our president and someone has some serious shit that they are holding over two of the Supremes to make them jump when told to. Our days are numbered. Will it be another 9/11? War in the China Sea with Chinese military sabotaging us here in our country. War in the Middle East? Or maybe Russia...

  12. Fred in Texas. Abbott very recently signed a law that LEO can arrest illegals for criminal trespass. Now more wire... I'm kind of old but as soon as TPTB call up for a militia the Texas Military Department gonna get swarmed with a bunch of us... Texas got lots and lots of veterans and rednecks...

  13. God Bless Texas!....like many,waiting to see how much more perverse this all gets.....Ft.Hood would be a big loss!

  14. Yeah, the additional razor wire is a big middle finger. Go Texas!

  15. Pennsylvania CC permit
    25 dollars, 30 to 60 minutes at Sheriff’s Office
    texass hundreds of dollars 10’s of hours training,
    testing and classes
    Pennsylvania liberal shithole
    texas all hat no cattle bunch of bull shitters

    1. Texas is a constitutional carry state. Pennsylvania is not..So…

  16. Another Texan here hoping the Governor will hold fast. I may be old and out of shape but able to arm and provision myself if there is a call to action.

  17. I wonder if the sheriffs in Texas could start deputizing citizens, organizing them to deal with this

  18. Yea well ! fuck that noise........Texas is NOT, I say again...TEXAS is NOT a signatory to the Geneva Convention....

  19. Retiree in Oklahoma, I say let the games begin!

  20. I don't recall much of what I learned fifty years ago, but I'm thinking Texas will need volunteers to guard it's northern borers from an invading army of treasonous bastards. As good a place as any for an old fart.

  21. We have arrived at an inflection point. This is a time for clarity and decisions.

    We either have loyalty to God first, and secondly our Constitutional Republic, or we have loyalty to a demonic DC Government that is hell bent on murdering Real Americans and destroying the Republic entirely.

    Texas must resist. And Patriots across the land, in all cardinal directions, must side with Texas.

  22. Re: Anonymous at 5:19 PM:
    "I'm just a fat lazy pussy with a big mouth, so bear with me here: why would I flock to Texas when there's plenty of one-shot Paddy opportunities around here?"
    I'm pretty much the same - overweight keyboard warrior well past my prime.
    You and I can still continue to prepare to be able to take care of ourselves and our neighbors to the greatest extent possible.
    I think there is much to be said to being as prepared as one can be should the opportunity arise in one's own backyard.
    Aside from what may be happening in other places around the country, if things get really crazy in this country your battleground would turn into defending your home and neighborhood in a hurry if you are anywhere near a large urban area.
    Plus if things get really really crazy, the more places the evil forces have to expend to deal with problems that pop up in a lot of palaces would take off some of the pressure on whatever other freedom forces have to deal with.

    1. “I’m a lazy pussy with a big mouth.”
      “I’m a fat keyboard warrior past my prime.”
      What the hell is wrong with yall? Turn off the tv and your laptop, put down the Budweiser, and don’t have the second helping of pot roast. Throw a brick in a backpack and start walking. Try a push-up if your gut doesn’t get in the way. Renew your range membership and do some basic drills. Get yourself back in half decent shape so you can be of some use to someone.
      Until then, keep your fat loud mouthed asses off my team.

  23. Assuming Texas is serious and doesn't fold, I can see the following possible responses by the Federal Forces:

    1. US Military Special Forces surgical assault on the Texas State Capitol arresting all Texas leadership defying the Federal edits.

    2. US Military Forces (82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne, US Marines, Delta Forces, neighboring states' National Guard units, etc.) invading Texas.
    Like with the "Little Rock Nine" in 1957:
    "When Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to keep the nine students from entering the school, President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock to insure the safety of the "Little Rock Nine" and that the rulings of the Supreme Court were upheld."

    Maybe people smarter than me can respond to or expand upon these and other possibilities.

  24. If you've still been abiding by the laws these common criminals create to bludgeon us into submission with, you're a fool. Abide by your own morals and conscience and if they come for you, well, lets just say Aleks has a quote to cover all that.

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

  25. @Wendy,

    The 101st was purely for show.

    They would have made a pretty pile of bodies if the bulk of folks had come down on that side of the equation.

    Ike, the Army, and America, then, was a bigger draw than Governor Segregation.

    So, how do you see that equation working itself out with Emperor Poopypants and the 69th Transectional Dildo Brigade in the mix?

  26. It would be something to hear people repeat Crockett's famous line "You can all go to hell, I'm going to Texas !"

  27. There is an intermediate opportunity available -- Australian SaltWater Crocs on/in the Rio Grande.(pic: https://greatbarrierreeftourscairns.com.au/blog/are-there-crocodiles-in-the-great-barrier-reef/) About 30 17fters ought to do it. When the word gets around crossing the Rio will stop.

  28. This post was like porn to me. I hafta go lie down and fan myself.
    I’ll be fantasizing about this for weeks, at least.
    Harder, Aesop

  29. Botclan - you need to refresh your newsfeed.
    For several years now Texas has been a Constitutional Carry State.
    Which means you have the Right to carry concealed WITHOUT approval from state government. Which you happily acknowledge that your very restrictive state of Pennsylvania Requires.
    Check the ground truth BEFORE typing out your ignorance.
    I hope and Pray our not very republican Governor Abbott has been Born Again and remains steadfast in his Support and active Protection of the Great State of Texas.

    Having said that,
    I hope and Pray that the Swamp critters fold and run scared BEFORE anything goes kinetic as a Civil War is anything but civil.
    The Pain and suffering on all sides would make a soldier weep.
    But some hills are worth fighting and dying for, our Constitution and God Given Rights define that hill, and unfortunately we have Political Royalty that wish to destroy both.

    May God have Mercy on their souls, cause if they mean to continue, they will surely have the opportunity to beg for such leniency.

    MSG Grumpy
