Saturday, November 4, 2023

Home and Dry

Rough plot of the Odyssey, not counting detours and side trips.

I should've done that years ago!

The odometer says something over 2600 miles in two weeks. Far enough that I could have driven to Kansas City and back, or to Boston one-way. For about $250 in gas. At 70 on cruise control, the buggy gets better than 40MPG. Suffice it to say I spent more on food.

Probably walked another couple of hundred miles, all tolled.

I've driven completely across the country twice, ocean to ocean both trips. I don't recommend it, but Uncle Sam was rather insistent about my arrivals at the time. Bite-sized day trips are a lot more fun.

Coronado, Julian, Tucson, Tombstone, Prescott, the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Meteor Crater, Las Vegas, Fresno, Monterey, and Santa Barbara were the highlights. Multiple side trips.

Best part: Two weeks of no place to be but where I wanted, no alarm clock or time clock, just "What do I want to do today?"

The only news I saw was weather reports.

I popped online a couple of times, briefly, mainly just to see what other people were posting.

I usually have several days off in a row nearly every week.

Weekly trips are now on the menu.

Regular blogging will resume later today. After a healthy nap.


  1. Welcome back, you didn't miss much.

  2. SoCal.
    I updated the map to reflect that.

  3. Sorry, lack of attention to detail on my part.

  4. I miss the California I grew up in. My family was from the Bay area, and I lived their part time in the sixties when my father was station in Korea and Vietnam. I lived in Vallejo in the late seventies when I was stationed in Mare Island. And in the eighties and nineties I worked in Alameda and San Deigo with NAVSEA.I visited the state off and on over the decades to see my grandparents and cousins.

    It's sad today to see the state it's in.

  5. Road trips are good for the soul.

  6. Welcome back. Didn't miss anything. Hope you had a good leave. Semper Fi.

  7. Welcome back. So what impressed you the most in the SouthWest?

  8. Glad you made it back safe, brother! Sounds like an excellent road trip. Back in my touring days, even in a cramped band van that smelled like feet and McDonalds french fries I still loved every minute of it.

  9. Naps are always good, more gooder the older you get. Don't ask me how I know.

    Don't you have property "someplace out beyond", Concerned American does. I live on my property "out beyond".

    Any way, welcome back relatively safe and sound.

  10. I hope Julian and Coronado were good (weather-wise). The weather here was your standard "nice" in San Diego the last couple of weeks. Not like it's ever really bad or nasty...

  11. Glad you enjoyed the trip.
    Just think, when you retire you can do this whenever you want.
    Ask me how I know.

  12. Hope ya had some of Mom's or Julian Apple pie. Best commercial apple pie EVAH! Coronado's cool too. Former San Diego East County guy. I echo Bigus above. Born in 51 when it was still The Golden state. When I got out of the military and went home in '73, I could see things were changing. Took until '15 to escape to the Free State of Tennessee. I miss some friends and the Mexican food.

  13. I I knew you were in Tucson, I would have taken you out for a drink. Welcome home!

  14. Welcome back. You were missed.

    What do you make of the USMC ball being canceled?


  15. It's a minor problem.
    None of the other military services are experiencing this sort of trouble.
    This is because they have no balls.

  16. Welcome back. I remember going to the Meteor Crater when there was still a tourist trap based on F-Troop along the route . . .

  17. My ex wife (from San Diego) had relatives working military intelligence at Fort Huachuca south of Tucson. I spent a lot of time around there, and always went over to Tombstone to visit the OK Corral. It's a great place to visit if you're a gunslinger.

    Glad you had a good time, and glad to see you back

  18. Looks like a great trip. Did a similar one last year, made sure to mostly take the old U.S. highways, this way you see the small towns that the Interstate System destroyed. Tehachapi was a big hit, the VFW there rocks.

  19. I don't think I've ever heard Fresno being mentioned as a "highlight" before. Joking aside, the Southwest loop is a fantastic drive. Good time of the year to do it.

  20. I thought that was you coming through Prescott, I waived. :)

  21. @screw_euro_laws,

    Normally, I'd agree with you completely, but I suggest a reconsideration:

  22. Only change would be take the 395 at Mojave through death valley to mono lake then through Yosemite to merced. Lived in all those areas including fresno. You missed the best part of cali.

  23. I've driven 395 end to end from So Cal as far as Reno many times, traversed Death Valley a couple of times, and been all over Yosemite and the surrounding regions afoot and on wheels. I missed nothing. My goal was to go some places I hadn't ever managed to get to (Coronado, Tombstone, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, etc.), along with some familiar and beloved stops (Julian, Monterey, SB) plus some shopping in Vegas and AZ. And time and money are always a factor.

    That mission was accomplished.

  24. I bring this up because I would want someone to correct me as well. The phrase is not "all tolled". The correct phrase is "all told". Tell used to mean "to count", so all told means all counted.

  25. Both are correct, antiquarian kowtowers of any one type be damned.

    Finish the title: For Whom The Bell __________________.

    Counting steps, counting coins - at bridges and bank windows- and counting bell rings are similar functions, thus those who insist upon one archaic reference as authoritative are no more using "correct" English than those who do it the other way.

    Both have their precedents, and both are equally justifiable.

    I'm both counting and recounting, and both versions of both words work for that.

    English is hell if anyone expects it to make sense.
    Frequently, it leaves you with more than one way to skin a cat.
    cf.: to-MAY-toe / to-MAH-toe

  26. Glad you are back and had a good time, Aesop. Sometimes the best thing is going and just enjoying.
